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Session 13: Siege of Marrowstone Report

General Summary

When we last left our adventurers...   Liliana and her horde of undead were only a few hours away from attacking the city. The group continued to talk to the inhabitants of the mirror and plan. They released both the werebear and the hobgoblin, holding the barlgura in reserved. Arahana joined in their planning and let them know that she could teleport one other person to Liliana's location of that was something they would like to do. This seemed like as good of a plan as any and Old Grey was chosen to travel with him. Night fell and the undead started moving towards the city. Once most of the zombies were within bow range and away from Liliana, Arahana teleported herself and Old Grey out and landed right next to her. Old Grey attempted to cast Hold Person multiple times on the necromancer but failed. The Ogre Zombie bodyguards began to attack Arahana and Old Grey so they left, the plan unraveling before them. The group began taking the mirror out onto the battlefield, hoping to get it close enough to Liliana to use it. Unfortunately, she saw them leave the city and so teleported herself to where they had just been standing. Old Grey was the only one still standing there and he was struck down and killed by Liliana. The group turned and tried to catch the necromancer before she disappeared into the city but she proved to be quick. In an attempt to get her to stay and fight, Talen called out to her to stand and fight. She turned, smiled, and cast one spell that took out almost everyone. Mizzix was killed outright, as was Old Grey. The rest of the group were knocked unconscious with the exception of Talen. Liliana then turned and moved deeper into the city, leaving Talen to deal with the aftermath. Talen managed to get Thalos up, who got Cloud up. Sammara, the local cleric of Ingsta, appeared and brought back Arahana as well as starting to try and heal those that needed it. Talen was visibly upset with the turn of events and lashed out at Arahana. Without their leader to guide them, the horde was taken out piece by piece. In thanks for their help, Marshall Ridley and Sammara offered to attempt a resurrection one of the fallen members of the group. Old Grey was selected and both bodies were taken with reverence to the temple of The Way. After a night spend in vigil or scouring the city for Liliana, everyone was tired but ready to try and bring their loxodon friend back. Talen, Cloud and Thalos all participated and luckily, the ritual was successful and Old Grey returned to the land of the living. Mizzix was given proper funeral rights and interred in a hallowed place, preventing any future attempts at raising him as a zombie.   The party is now down one member and while the army was defeated, Liliana is still at large. What new path's will they tread? Will they be able to defeat Liliana if they should meet again?

Office Campaign

Mizzix of the Imagnus (Deceased)

Old Grey

Talen Faemenor

Thalos Grosh

Report Date
30 Nov 2019

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