Chapter 32: Harshnag's Quest

General Summary

Date: 28th of Eleasis to 1st of Eleint, 1491 DR

  The ground shook violently as the two behemoths charged towards the adventurers. Ranvas's gun bellowed through the sudden blizzard, targeting the pack of wolves that were upon them. The Good Fellas fought fervently, beating down the wolves that lunged and clawed against them. Soon enough, their masters were in the fray, swinging their massive weapons towards the party.   Nomime and Bene broke off from the rest of the group, chased by wolves as Virion and Ranvas held the massive giants at bay. Charged up by Nomime's Haste spell Ranvas moved unnaturally fast and unloaded his weapon towards the giant, riddling him with bullet holes. When the wolves were killed, Bene dashed towards the massive axe-wielding berserker and sliced the tendon from his leg, bringing him down towards the flurry of blows of Virion.   The giants stood their ground, hacking and beating down the adventurers. Out of nowhere, another Frost Giant emerged through the snow storm. This one however crashed in one of the giants and it seemed like he was helping the heroes. Nomime's charged up fireball launched across the air and exploded in front of the giants, sending them to their snowy graves. The battle was now over.   The helpful giant was revealed to be Harshnag whom the party had been seeking. The giant set up a campfire and they engaged in conversation. Harshnag had been fighting against the other giants, but knew that the Giant Lords were the biggest reason for the giant's uproar. He didn't know however how to best stop them. When the Good Fellas mentioned a temple, Harshnag told them about the Eye of the All-Father.   The Eye of the All-Father is a temple built in the time of ancient empire of Ostoria, where giant seers and pilgrims could seek wisdom from their god, Annam the All-Father. To consult the oracle, the visitor must offer a Giant Relic as an offering. Harshnag didn’t have one of these relics with him, but he knew that the Uthgardt stole some of these relics and built altars to their God-King Uthgar and buried the relics underneath them. Harshnag drew a map in snow showing the party the locations of the spirit mounds.   They agreed to seek out the relics and meet Harshnag in the Eye of the All-Father. They bid their farewells to Harshnag who continued his way onwards, eventually disappearing to the snowy horizon.   After a few days of travel the Good Fellas saw a large city nestled in the root of the mountains, surrounded by stone walls and filled with hundreds of snowy rooftops. They had arrived in Mirabar. They watched as hundreds of refugees filled the gate of the city, but managed to squeeze past them. Meanwhile Ranvas and Weevil found a knoll near the city, where they would set up camp.   The trio (Bene, Nomime & Virion) rented rooms in the Sign of Forgehammer, where a long-awaited bath greeted all of them. Their plans were to restock their equipment and then make for the teleportation circle to take them to Neverwinter. While eating lunch they were approached by a pair of bounty hunters Solerisa Zandra and Naeremos. These two recognized Bene and asked him to deliver Weevil to them by midnight in their safe house. Bene agreed and made his way to gather the dwarf from the outskirts of the city. Nomime and Virion were shopping during this time.   Meanwhile Weevil and Ranvas were talking in the camp. Weevil didn't want to get captured by the Zhentarim and tried to bribe Ranvas into letting him go. Ranvas promised to do what he could in order to procure a deal or something, so that Weevil's freedom wouldn't be hindered much. When Bene arrived the three of them talked on how they could all benefit from the situation.   All the ideas that came up were not optimal for the situation so Bene and Ranvas decided to take Weevil to the Zhentarim. They took him first to the inn where Weevil was washed up. Meanwhile Nomime had procured a seller of a pot she required to awaken Bush. The problem was, this seller was located in the Undercity. Nomime disguised herself and managed to go past the guards to the elevator that took her to the Undersquare.   She met with the seller, who wasn't particularly moody for bartering. When Nomime mentioned a teleportation circle however, the seller's attitude shifted quickly. He quickly called the guards on her, that apprehended the young wizard for questioning. At the same time Bene, Ranvas, Virion and Weevil had arrived to the harbor of the city where the handoff would happen.   They entered the warehouse where Solerisa and Naeremos were waiting for them. They asked what would happen to Weevil, but Solerisa couldn't offer much, only that Weevil would board a ship that would take him south to the land of Amn, also known as the Merchant's Domain. With no other option available to them, they handed the pleading dwarf to the Zhentarim. Naeremos took them to the back of the warehouse, where he revealed a hidden room filled with dozens of chests filled with gold and gems.   The heroes stood there watching the glittering treasure they had procured. The only problem now was to figure out how on Toril they could ever haul this much gold with them. And they would also have to find where their missing wizard was. Then the hunt for the giant relics would begin.

Rewards Granted

Reward for delivering Weevil:

  • 9,525 gp worth in coinage
    • 470 pp
    • 4,400 gp
    • 550 ep
    • 1,200 sp
    • 3,000 cp
  • 975 gp worth of gemstones
    • 4x Citrine (worth 50 gp)
    • 2x Amber (worth 100 gp)
    • 5x Turquoise (worth 10 gp)
    • 7x Onyx (worth 50gp)
    • 2x Quartz (worth 50gp)
    • 1x Sardonyx (worth 50 gp)
    • 1x Pearl (worth 25gp)

    Missions/Quests Completed

    • Deliver Weevil to Zhentarim

    Character(s) interacted with

    Storm King's Thunder

    Nomime Shandri

    Bene Lugosi

    Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
    Rogue 1
    10 / 10 HP

    Ranvas Pahrunath

    Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
    Fighter, Gunslinger 1
    14 / 14 HP
    Report Date
    03 Dec 2022
    Secondary Location

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