Chapter 45: Home Sweet Home

General Summary

Date: 1st of Uktar to 4th of Uktar, 1491 DR

  The adventure began as the heroes emerged from a teleportation circle in the bustling city of Neverwinter. They found themselves in an attic within an old rowhouse, where they were greeted by Sandyse Thunderquill, a confident yet socially awkward Harper agent. She was tasked with infiltrating the Arcane Brotherhood and sought the party's assistance. Sandyse would in return research about the curses that affected the party and try to come up with how to remove them.   With their arrival in Neverwinter, the party decided to take a well-deserved break at the Driftwood Tavern, bathing and cleaning themselves. While in the city, they attempted to uncover a way to break the curses that had afflicted them. They sought help from a priestess of Selune, but unfortunately, she wasn't able to lift the curse. For the cursed blade, she beckoned that the only way to rid of the blade was to cut off the arm. The party then sought rest in the House of the Thousand Faces.   In pursuit of answers and magical aid, the group ventured to the Cloak Tower, a mage tower in the city. However, upon their arrival, they were met with an unexpected response from the grumpy caretaker. He informed them that the tower was currently empty and, with a dismissive wave of his hand, beckoned them to leave.   With their inquiries at the Cloak Tower yielding no results, the party continued with their plans. Meanwhile, Ranvas sought to bolster his potion supply, striking a deal with a potion merchant within the city, buying various different perfumes as well as purchasing Superior Healing Potions to be delivered in Phandalin.   After their time in Neverwinter, the party decided to return to the frontier village of Phandalin, their journey coming full circle. They purchased a chariot and a horse named Spot and headed to Phandalin. Upon their arrival, they were met with the heartwarming reunion of Nomime with her younger brother, Andrew. The two embraced after being separated for so long. The town had also grown in size and various improvements had been made to it.   Upon their return to Phandalin, the party sought out the familiar face of Garaele. After inquiring about the curse of the Dragon Hoard, she offered a potential solution: a Hallow spell. Garaele explained that the Hallow spell could break the curse but came at a substantial cost of 1000 gold pieces per afflicted. The necessary materials would have to be procured from neighboring cities, making it a costly endeavor. However, she assured the party that it was a powerful and effective method.   Additionally, she shared valuable insight, suggesting that the hags who had placed the curse on Belros' sword might be the key to removing it. With these options before them, the party faced a difficult decision as they contemplated their next steps.   The party made their way to Tresendar Manor and were met by a bustling tavern in operation. Gavin had purchased upgrades and had transformed the ruined mansion into a respectable establishment that now generated wealth for the party. Bene decided that the next upgrade would be baths and gave Gavin 10,000 gold pieces to be used for the business and the rest of them for safekeeping.   Gurbak, one of the party's former companions, had decided to retire from adventuring. Using the funds generously provided by Bene, he had established his own network of loyal goons in Phandalin. With their aid he had uncovered a disconcerting development: the bounty on the party had risen to a daunting 1500 gold pieces, though the source of this bounty remained a mystery.   The party then met with Leosin Erlanthar , the Harper agent the party had freed, had been diligently researching the Cult's activities. His findings were troubling. He suspected that the Cult was attempting to summon the ancient and malevolent dragon goddess, Tiamat, from the depths of hell, Avernus. Furthermore, there appeared to be a connection between the Cult's activities and the ongoing Giant Uprising.   To unearth more answers and potentially reunite Nomime with her father, Leosin proposed a new venture. He requested that the party journey eastward to the village of Parnast, where the Cloud Giant Castle Skyreach had reportedly docked. Leosin believed that high-ranking members of the Cult, as well as Nomime's father, could be found there, holding answers to the looming threat posed by the Cult and their sinister plans.   The party had finally returned home, but they wouldn't stay for long. The audience with the Storm Giant Court awaited them while the looming castle over Parnast would also be useful to their cause. While they rest, they'll plan for their next destination. Whatever it may be, will they find trouble there? Or wil trouble find them?

Rewards Granted

  • Cloak of Invisibility
  • Scarab of Protection
  • Owlbear Leather Armor
  • Couatl Herald's Scales

Character(s) interacted with


  • Baths Upgrade for Tresendar Manor

Storm King's Thunder


Neutral Good Half-Elf (Military / Infrantry)
Paladin 7
57 / 57 HP

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
07 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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