Chapter 25: Against All Odds

General Summary

Date: 5th of Eleasis to 8th of Eleasis, 1491 DR

  The battle continued in the courtyard as the lizardfolk clashed with the bullywugs, the former slowly gaining the upper hand. Bene however was surrounded by enemies. The cultists began to drag Nomime away while others circled around Bene, who had suffered major wounds and blood loss and was slowly losing consciousness.    The sound of thunder boomed above in the distance. Suddenly a deafening crash sowed discord in the battle as Bene watched a massive bronze dragon crash through thre roof, its two riders jumping down into the courtyard. The cavalry had arrived and the tides of battle were changed. Ranvas shot down the cultist dragging Nomime and Virion closed in on Borngray. The dragon managed to upright itself, but quickly fled to the skies. After mere seconds a massive dark shape was giving pursuit to Felgolos.   The cultists were quickly dealt with as Borngray and Splattergoo escaped down into the caverns below the castle. Bardy was revived and soon Nomime as well. When the battle was over, the group began to plan for their next step. Bene wanted to pursue the two that escaped underneath the castle while Ranvas wanted to use this opportunity to leave. After resting a bit, the party decided to venture down to find Borngray and Splattergoo.   The stairs descended down into the dark and dank caverns of the castle. Many passageways opened in front of the heroes, but as they looked for footprints, they found fresh tracks that led them deeper into the tunnels. Eventually descending down to a misty passageway, the heroes were ambushed by bullywugs that awaited them in the darkness. The small frog creatures however were no match against the full might of the Goodfellas. Splattergoo casted a fireball in the middle of the heroes, but Ranvas quickly shot the frog shaman down. The rest of the bullywugs lost their composure as their leader died and fled the heroes.   Nomime managed to find a spellbook from the shaman and the heroes continued their exploration. They found a chamber filled with various carvings of frog statues ranging from the size of a fist to the size of a pumpkin. Delving deeper Ranvas found Pharblex Splattergoo's shrine, where he activated the trapped chest. Fortunately the hallucinogenic frog poison didn't have any effect on the triton as he found some gold, candles and another spellbook. When the rooms were searched completely, they continued their way to find Borngray.   They arrived into a newly discovered chamber, with ancient murals decorating the walls. The pictures were of ancient dragon burial grounds, volcanoes, necromantic rituals to give the skeletal dragons life, as well as a familiar obsidian block with a black mask glowing inside of it. The largest mural depicted five draconic masks being overshadowed by a large ornate one that combined them all into one headpiece. The chamber they were in also had a strange teleportation circle, but the heroes were unable to use it.   They returned back and released the prisoners, taking a rest inside the castle before venturing back to Phandalin. One of the released prisoners retrieved a hidden dagger and promised it as a reward for the Goodfellas, if they would provide a safe passage to Phandalin. The heroes agreed and after spending the night inside the castle, they began their long march towards the town of Phandalin.   During the travel through the swamp Ranvas recapped on what happened on their adventure with Virion and Delaan as the prisoners and Goodfellas listened intently. After getting to the outskirts of the Mere of the Dead, they saw the familiar cloud castle descending down towards them. Zephyros introduced himself to rest of the heroes and agreed to take them to Phandalin.    As they were floating towards the settlement, Zephyros told about the prophecy that the heroes would be taking part in. He told about the Ordning being shattered and Queen Neri found murdered, seemingly by small folk. King Hekaton swore to exact vengeance but was persuaded to seek the truth by his youngest daughter, Princess Serissa. The King has gone missing and Princess Serissa holds the throne by herself, surrounded by giants that usher her to seek revenge for her parents. The All-Father Annam has the answers to restore the Ordning and Zephryros has gained a vision of a frost giant who knows the way. The heroes must find Harshnag  The heroes agreed to follow Zephyros after they've escorted the rescued prisoners safely into town and have recuperated from their exhausted journey. Zephyros told he would wait them outside of Phandalin, as the tower landed a short distance from the frontier town. The heroes made their way up the familiar road to find the town prosperous and in construction. After facing death so many times during their travel, the Goodfellas are entitled to a long rest.

Rewards Granted

  • 9th level Spellbook
  • 7th level Spellbook
  • Dagger of Venom
  • Milestone Level 7.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Mere of the Dead (Completed)
  • Kryptgarden Forest (Completed)

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
18 Jun 2022

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