Chapter 14: Enemies Abound

General Summary

Date: 5th to 12th of Kythorn, 1491 DR

  After the funeral of their lost friends, the heroes gathered equipment to prepare themselves for the journey ahead and rested for the night in the warm Stonehill Inn. When morning arrived the Good Fellas packed up and started their journey towards Wyvern Tor where they would return the promised Hand of Uruth to Brughor Axe-Biter. Then they would continue to the Corkscrew Mines where they would seek out the lost Forever Stone and retrieve it to the Wraith Mormesk who still resides in the Wave Echo Cave.   A few days of wandering the Triboar Trail accompanied by light rain and cloudy skies, the Good Fellas eventually reached the foothills that lead to Wyvern Tor. Upon reaching the crag, they found the once empty valley transformed into a large war camp inhabited by numerous orcs. They met with Brughor who seemed surprised that the Good Fellas had delivered the hand as promised. The large orc attuned to the item by sawing off his own hand and replacing it with the artifact. Brughor gained the powers unbeknownst to the heroes and was ready to set forth his conquest to the Kingdom of Many Arrows.   He named the Good Fellas friends to the Kingdom of Many Arrows and declared that no harm should come before them when he would rise to power. Bene seemingly being the leader in Brughor's eyes got a token of gratitude from the orc leader: A necklace adorned by two severed hands.   As the conversation was coming to an end Brughor surprised the Good Fellas as he ordered a large ogre named Gog to drag a tortured wizard Glasstaff in front of them. The adventurers decided to take the wizard with them once they figured out he might have knowledge of Nomime's parents as the wizard kept whispering her last name.   When Glasstaff was dragged to Old Owl's Well and healed the heroes began interrogating him. The wizard wouldn't budge and instead demanded to be brought to Phandalin to talk to Sildar. During this time a flying serpent approached the ruined watchtower. The adventurers reacted to this snake with suspicion and with the hints of Glasstaff, Ranvas eventually decided to shoot the snake. Upon inspecting its corpse, they found a carrier pouch with a letter inside. None, save for Bene could read it and as he did, the sinking feeling overwhelmed him and he ushered that they would have to return to Phandalin right away. The snake seemed to be a messenger from a powerful ally that the heroes had now killed. The journey was brought to a halt and they returned to the familiar frontier town.   Glasstaff demanded a plea-deal where he would get full immunity of his crimes and a estate provided by The Lord's Alliance. Sildar could not approve of this without first informing his contacts so the wizard was thrown in the dungeon until further information could be provided by Sildar's organization. The wizard taunted Nomime of her parents but offered no further clues as to what he knew so the adventurers decided to stay in Phandalin for a while.   They went by the Tresendar Manor where they found the skulking telepathic creature, who they thought was a pet of Glasstaff. The creature seemed mad and hungry but for a brief second communicated with Bene. The words in the rogues head said "Save me" before turning back into the gurgling monstrous sounds the nothic was prone to do. The adventurers contemplated for what to do and decided to execute the nothic to save it from its suffering. Rushing back to the cavernous room they found it empty, and deduced that the telepathic link the nothic had made with Ranvas was active during their planning so the creature knew they were coming to kill it. They found its treasure and continued back to the town.   The rest of the day was spent on planning their next move. Since the gathering would be held in 25th of Kythorn, they wouldn't go to the mines and instead decided to wait for the meeting to take place. In the meantime they could visit Neverwinter to gain further information about Nomime's parents and browse the items and apparel the large city could provide. Come nightfall, all the adventurers were sound asleep except for one.   Bene disguised himself and sneaked into the night. He found his way into the Townmasters Hall, where he easily managed to lockpick his way to Glasstaff. With forgery and trickery he made his way out with Iarno by his side and delivered him to Kella Darkhope, his contact for the Zhentarim. The woman was accompanied by some rough individuals and as Bene offered Glasstaff, Kella's annoyance shifted into impress. By delivering Glasstaff to the Zhentarim they would be able to find out what the wizard knew. With this offering, Kella promoted Bene from Fang to a Wolf.   Come morn the Good Fellas would visit Garaele, before leaving to Neverwinter. The acolyte revealed to Maescia that she had capability to cast a spell that would locate a creature close-by which the heroes could use to determine if Nomime's father was in Phandalin. When the spell was cast, the ground shook. The spell was unable to find Nomimes father within its range, although the earth tremors were not the result of the spell. Screaming and yelling could be heard outside. The Good Fellas rushed outside to see one of the further buildings on fire. People were running through the streets, screaming "Giants!" Then the heroes saw a massive silhouette in the distance, passing through the buildings. Phandalin was under attack.

Rewards Granted

  • Talon +1 longsword
  • Bene promoted to Wolf

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
14 Nov 2021
Secondary Location

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