The Colony of Talamdor's Bounty Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Golarian - 5E Custom
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Supporting Cast
  • Alba Divenvaar
    Alba Divenvaar is a perennial traveler ready to finally put down roots. As a young alchemist, Alba traveled throughout the southern Inner Sea region to learn trade secrets in Druma, the Mwangi jungles, and Osirion. Her lifelong dream is to behold the shores of Arcadia and discover the alchemical secrets of that land. Age has begun to get the best of her, so when she learned Andoran was establishing a new colony in the Arcadian Ocean, Alba applied for citizenship and won a spot among the second group of settlers. Her willingness to support the community with her alchemical knowledge was instrumental in her inclusion.
  • Carver Hastings
    Carver Hastings is a soldier within the new colony, with interest in archeology and the Azlanti ruins.
  • Eamon Caranth
    Eamon and his friend and fellow cleric Kurvis are missionaries who volunteered to join the colony. Eamon feels particularly called to steer Talmandor’s Bounty away from merely a fiscal enterprise and toward becoming a community where families will flourish. He and Kurvis bicker like an old married couple, but despite appearances, they are the best of friends and nothing more,, as far as anyone is aware.
  • Harcourt Carrolby
    Harcourt is the youngest adult son of the Carrolby family, wealthy horse breeders in Andoran. Harcourt receives a stipend from the family business, but two older brothers who stand to inherit when their mother passes away impede his involvement in the venture. Harcourt sought a means of advancement that avoided family infighting and negotiated a deal with his aging mother. He would join the new colony, establish himself, hire workers to build stables, and import horses to the island at later date, thus expanding the family business to Ancorato and beyond.
  • Kurvis Nurpico
    Kurvis is the counterpart to Eamon, who has been his best friend for many decades. Kurvis travels to Talmandor’s Bounty to bless and sanctify it as a proper foothold of civilization as only a servitor of Abadar can. He respects Eamon’s emphasis on community but maintains that for community to grow, it must be built on the bedrock of law.
  • Luetin Calewick
    Luetin Calewick joined the colony with the understanding that he would be an assistant blacksmith for Talmandor’s Bounty. While not the most prestigious of roles, it was much needed, as there were only one smith and an apprentice of hers in the first wave of colonists. The three of them were intended to provide materials for 150 people in the middle of a construction boom.
  • Lyra Heatherly
    Lyra Heatherly is both a colonist and an employee of the Bountiful Venture Company. She is tasked with surveying the island in greater depth than was done by the ship-bound surveyors. She was hired as a naturalist, but her responsibilities extend to identifying known ancient ruins, mineral resources, local flora and fauna, and inland locations of fresh water. She is also tasked with estimating the square footage or acreage of forest for future lumber concerns.
  • Perrell Beys
    Perrell is a scholar and historian. She is an employee of the Bountiful Venture Company. Even if she weren’t, she would still have volunteered to join the colony out of academic interest. Her responsibility is to chronicle daily events in Talmandor’s Bounty and provide Ramona with scholarly advice on the nature of any ruins or ancient and valuable relics. She also sees it as her duty to provide her employers with high-quality maps of the island.
  • Ramona Avandth
    Ramona Avandth is the Bountiful Venture Company’s designated leader for the colony. Once the Peregrine arrives, she expects to deliver a sealed letter to Rayland Arkley and assume leadership of the entire colony, while Rayland is instructed to serve as her second-in-command. She is known for her quick thinking and her leadership abilities, as well as her beautiful singing voice.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Hocvurdlendlial Anheff

CG Half-elf (Sage)
Wizard 12
16 / 98 HP

Witch-Knight of the Order of the Black Feather Alinazora Sinistratus

Chaotic Good Shadar-kai (Entertainer)
Warlock 1
Bard 3
41 / 41 HP

Grave Cleric of Pharasma Caoimhe Bram

Chaotic Good Tiefling (Outlander)
Grave Cleric 18
118 / 129 HP