6/13 A happy fathers day owlbear Report

General Summary

The party last time reached the midden of the Huge Owlbear known as the Beast of Serpents Pass. They deactivated shirker mushrooms that would have surely given their presence away to the Beast resting in the main cavern. However the other fungus beings of this caven did not like the harm that came to their other kin.    The party decided to go down deeper into the cavern where Lilith heard the sound of feathers rustling.    They walked down and were promptly screeched at fearing some of the party.  Lilith was first grabbed by the talons of the owl bear taking some damage.    General Doctor Flimsly restored Lilith with the negative energies.   Drigg through a molten hot metal net upon the Beast. This realses Lilith from its grasp while it then focuses on getting out of the net.    While this was happening the owl bear fell to the blows of the other members of the party.      While resting a group of mental mages? came upon the cave. They had the two tied-up individuals. An attractive half-elf female with long brown hair, and a handsome half-orc with short black hair well trimmed, tan green skin, and two sharp mid-pointed up tusks. A mind blast sent the orc to the ground when it came out that these other individuals were slavers.    The party then got enounct some hand to hand magic fights but over came the slavers.

Tesslutut Campaign

Drigg Pyriam

Level 7 Kineticist Oracle Loremaster.
45 / 90

Avira Zauviir

Level 7 Magus.
85 / 85


Level 6 Bard.
56 / 56

Major Flimsy

Level 7 Cleric.
80 /

Cersei Kline

Level 6 Druid.
53 / 62
Report Date
16 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Sellen Hills

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