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The Tomb of Annihilation

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Eberron
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On the 16th of Vult, 997YK, near the end of the year, a terrible affliction swept across Eberron: the Death Curse. Resurrection spells no longer work and those who were resurrected in the past are now slowly fading away. This Curse, while unfelt by the lower and middle classes, has swept through the elite and nobility of Khorvaire, including taking a good man named Avery Barkley.   Brought together by their friend's death, a group of rag tag adventurers are racing to find the solution to the Curse so that they can bring Avery back. But dark forces seem to be dogging their trail. Will they bring their friend back? Or will Khorvaire spiral into another bloody conflict - or worse?

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