Session 2- The land of chult Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 2- The land of chult Report

General Summary

After discovering the disease is in fact a curse, The party head to chult, and speak to the Grandfather Zitembe who tells them "a Jungle city far to the south, enclosed by cliffs and crawling with snakes" " and a black obelisk draped in vines". Using this information  they travel into the belly Chult under the guide of Azaka Stormfang who told the party that in exchange for a upfront fee, the party would help her recover an "family heirloom".   Using this information they travelled South-west down the river Tiryki, along the way they get into a fight with a few Su-monsters, get exhausted even gain a few disables. Including deafness, and passing out.    All before reaching FirefInger, The party prepared, casting spells and reading attacks, Before Ozward teleported the party up 300ft of straight rock.   It was going well until Ozward was pushed off, Then Hotvod Then Balor. Only three party members stood atop the spire, fighting off the rest of the pterofolks. The fight was won, But dawnoc had even and took the Guide with him to travel back to Port nyanzura. Leaving Ramisious beard-charm alone in the jungle

Tomb of annihilation
Report Date
30 Jul 2020

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