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Tomb of annihilation

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Nerth
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Commander Gavin Grey
    Young but experienced leader, is in charge of the current makeshift hospital in Baulder's gate

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 4th October 2020 13:00

Session 12- Rsi Nsi

The party polymorph a hydra and delivered it to, its master. After threaten the yuan-ti a wave of his hand turned the druid into dust

Mon 28th September 2020 13:00

session 10- The king of feathers

After the red wizards found a powerful magic item which looked Like a "monkey paws". A deafen roar is heard throughout the land

Mon 21st September 2020 13:00

Session 9- Red wizards

The party meet a group of adventurers, who are also looking for the cubes?

Mon 21st September 2020 12:00

Session 8- exploring Omu

Finally able to kill the creature inside, the party discover that once"Zahkar" took the cube, a wise power overcame him and discovered that, An old powerful wizard, named "Tasha" grants him the ability to ask a question which she will answer.   After some consideration, they asked the question of whether or not Alexia can be saved, but once again they got the answer of finding and destroying the soul monger.   using this knowledge, they travelled to the next shrine, which was protected by a froghemoth, who was able to kill Terrance.   The party was able to kill the froghemoth and take the cube, they escape and race to the next cube, on the journey they were attacked by a Tabaxi assassin.   but they managed to make to the next shirne

Mon 7th September 2020 13:00

session 7: The lost city of Omu

After months of traveling the party have finally found Omu

Mon 24th August 2020 16:00

session 6: The travel to Omu

The party have just arrived to Kir Sabal,ready to travel to Omu

Mon 17th August 2020 17:00

Session 5: What happened in Omu?

The party stands at the bottom of the mountain ready to climb, but maybe the party isn't ready for the news they are about to hear

Sessions Archive

17th Aug 2020

Session 4 Nanaglore

Arriving and climbing the long journey towards Kir Sabal the party spoke to the leader (Asharra) of the birdmen, but not long after the engagement, the place is attacked by Gargoyles, each with the face of the long bearded devil faced, A few bird people died in the attack, but shorty during the battle a Demon appears and the evil elemental retreated. defeating the demon, the party was given a bed and a nights rest. The party asks about Omu and how to travel there, in return Asharra asked them to travel to Nanaglore to retrieve a Black Orchid. During which the paladin received a vision from his God and spoke about a Lich. Fearful the party traveled towards Nanaglore, A mere few days past when they find a cave, inside they find a cave dedicated to the fearful lich (Larloch). In which The elf ranger of the party finds a terrifying sword. The party then moved on to Nanaglore in which they killed an unknown Medusa lady. they grabbed the Black Orchid and ran into shelter, spoke to an old wizard who spoke about an old witch atop a mountain, who he believes might have been the "old woman"

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3rd Aug 2020

Session 3- The land of Chult Kir sabel

After losing 3 party members at Fire finger, and 1 taking the guide to port nyanzura. The only remaining party member takes His robot towards Kir sabal. and the bird people who live there.

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13th Jul 2020

Session 2- The land of chult

After discovering the curse lies somewhere within Chult, the party gather supplies and head towards a port on the west side of the land.

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6th Jul 2020

session 1: Baulder's gate

After being recruited by an unknown supplier, the group are tasked to speak to commander Grey and gather information about the disease.

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