Session 3- The land of Chult Kir sabel Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 3- The land of Chult Kir sabel Report

General Summary

After losing three of his Friends Beard-charm decided to travel east towards Kir sabal, After travelling a few hours he ran into a party of adventurers, whom said they were finding a Teifling girl. After a few days of travelling they met with a member of Torm.   During the travel Beard-charm grew more and more exhausted after the 4th day he's skin grew white and body fragile. It was clear he was knocking on death door, but good weather and smart thinking from the other team gave him the rest he needed to continue, but he's body still was ill, a arcane inspection told of something draining his body a supernatural power.   Unfortunately his life was cut short from and unknown statue pushing him along with their new paladin friend off a high place.   The paladin survived, but their friend was still gone they looted the corpse and travelled back to their friends.   They rested during the day and through the woods an half-elf ranger runs through the woods, after nearly another death it is revealed he has knowledge of the tefling girl the party was looking for somewhere hidden within the jungles of Chult a place called Omu.   Having nothing to go on they pushed on to Kir sabal, they found an odd looking Bearded face devil within a well of water, and the skeleton of a man whom journal spoke about the city of Omu.   They ended the session staring up at kir sabal

Tomb of annihilation
Report Date
05 Aug 2020

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