Session 4 Nanaglore Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Session 4 Nanaglore Report

General Summary

Arriving and climbing the long journey towards Kir Sabal the party spoke to the leader (Asharra) of the birdmen, but not long after the engagement, the place is attacked by Gargoyles, each with the face of the long bearded devil faced, A few bird people died in the attack, but shorty during the battle a Demon appears and the evil elemental retreated. defeating the demon, the party was given a bed and a nights rest. The party asks about Omu and how to travel there, in return Asharra asked them to travel to Nanaglore to retrieve a Black Orchid. During which the paladin received a vision from his God and spoke about a Lich. Fearful the party traveled towards Nanaglore, A mere few days past when they find a cave, inside they find a cave dedicated to the fearful lich (Larloch). In which The elf ranger of the party finds a terrifying sword. The party then moved on to Nanaglore in which they killed an unknown Medusa lady. they grabbed the Black Orchid and ran into shelter, spoke to an old wizard who spoke about an old witch atop a mountain, who he believes might have been the "old woman"

Tomb of annihilation
Report Date
17 Aug 2020

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