Grudd Haug Report

General Summary

Flamerule 09, 1490: Travel Nightstone put money in Bank of Vulwin. Meet female Hill Giant in old Nandar hunting lodge in Ardeep Forest. Rescue prisoners. Flamerule 10, 1490: Rain. Exchange prisoners, start to Grudd Haug with Slurppy. Sent word to Airship to meet in Red Larch. Flamerule 11, 1490: Rain. Forlorn Hills. Flamerule 12, 1490: Cold, no rain. 4 Ogres join party to Grudd Haug Flamerule 13, 1490: Rain. Travel 75 miles near Goldenfields. Flamerule 14, 1490: Nice weather. Stole 2 draft horses in Dessarian Valley. (2 Months) Flamerule 15, 1490: Light wind from North. Following river on the right of the Dessarian Valley. Flamerule 16, 1490: Light rain should arrive in Grudd Haug in the am. Rescued another Hill Giant. Flamerule 17, 1490: Light rain attack Grudd Haug. Escape lair and leave female Hill Giant in charge after capturing Conch. Blink Hide should be ready in Everlund (Krowen). Arrive in Red Larch, 20 deg warmer than normal with a strong wind out of the east, light rain. Gildas wants to buy viles to collect demon ichor at the tower (20 viles purchased) where we helped the cursed gargoyles revert back to men. While at the tower collecting ichor we saw the three men looking for their gear. Gave them one vile of demon ichor to sell tho aid in their travels. We decide to claim and repair this vacant tower. Slurpy will stay and watch over the place while we are gone.

Storm King HB
Report Date
09 Oct 2020

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