Storm King HB

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Faerun GM HB Version
11/17/2018 | Looking for Players


  • NW Faerun Saltmarsh
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 5th June 2021 18:00

Philomela's Mansion Grounds

Sat 15th May 2021 18:00

Philomela's Mansion Grounds

Sat 1st May 2021 18:00

On to Philomela's Mansion

The party attempts to clean up the remaining monsters from her country estate.

Sat 17th April 2021 18:00

Battle of the Ardeep Forest

Vulwin battles Lord Nandar for control of Nightstone.

Sat 3rd April 2021 18:00

Battle of the Ardeep Forest

Sat 20th March 2021 21:00

Battle of the Ardeep Forest

Vulwin battles Lord Nandar for control of Nightstone.

Sun 7th March 2021 19:00

Keep after Barovian Book of Dead

Sat 13th February 2021 18:00

Post Book of the Dead

Sat 30th January 2021 16:00

Barovian Book of the Dead

Sat 2nd January 2021 18:00

Post Keep Haunting

Sat 7th November 2020 18:00

Haunted Keep

Sat 22nd August 2020 18:00

Doom of the Dessert

Sat 8th August 2020 19:00

Caught in the Tentacles Hekaton

Sat 11th July 2020 18:00

Yartar Sewers (Missing Nobles)

Sat 27th June 2020 18:00

Caught in the Tentacles

The characters begin this part of their mission by tracking the gambling chip to its owner, Lord Khaspere Drylund of Yartar. The nobleman runs a gambling hall aboard a riverboat named the Grand Dame. Lord Drylund’s wealthy patrons are the movers and shakers of Yartar, and he wants to impress them.

Sessions Archive

13th Jun 2020

Post Negro Muerto

Aftermath of fighting Negro Muerto

Read the Report
28th Mar 2020

Follow up to Gruud Haug

Read the Report
14th Mar 2020

Grudd Haug

Read the Report
The peoples of the North are no strangers to giant incursions. Frost giants have long claimed the Spine of the World as their demesne, and hill giants are known to scrounge for food in the untamed hills. But now, in the past couple of months, giants of every kind have emerged from their strongholds in force to threaten civilization as never before — and not just frost giants and hill giants, but also stone giants, fire giants, and cloud giants. All of the giants are in an uproar. Reports of giant attacks throughout the North have reached the coastal cities of Luskan, Neverwinter, and Waterdeep, stoking fears that the giants are waging war against humans, dwarves, elves, and other small folk.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Gildas Kayne


Thoram Torevir


Helgret Hammerstone

Level 10 Mountain dwarf Monk 6 / Cleric 4
/ 93 HP