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Violating the Vault Report

General Summary

Recovering from the chase and final fight to secure the Stone of Golorr, Lenuir Dra'nur heard a whispered voice from the Stone. Having discovered it's sentience they chose to open their mind and the Stone revealed the location of the Vault of Dragons to be in an Old Tower in the Dock Ward.  The Stone further revealed the Vault to be guarded by an Adult Gold Dragon named Aurinax.  Finally the Stone revealed the three keys needed to open the Vault; an invisible creature, an animated construct and a pair of Bugbear ears.
  After a rest the Heroes awoke to feel not only refreshed but more powerful than before!
  Our Heroes also discovered (through Rishaal ) that there may be a group of Wererats operating out of Lifted Spirits.  Confrontation (and a judicious use of a Zone of Truth Spell) with their Halfling employees revealed it to be true and that the Wererat troupe had been hired by Emmek Frewn to sabotage Lifted Spirits to protect his flagging business.
  The team then survived an attempted ambush by a group of Asmodeus Cultists determined to retrieve the Stone of Golorr.
  After the conflict at their Tavern the Heroes went on several missions:
  They obtained an animated construct: a mouse from the House of Inspired Hands.
  They realized they could ask Lif to accompany them (along with Renaer to assist in talking to the Gold Dragon) as the invisible creature.
  Finally, they scoured the Dock Ward and found a Bugbear (Vorf) that agreed to accompany them if gold passed hands.
  Needing new staff for the Tavern the team found Broxley Fairkettle and asked for assistance in recruiting staff.  The issue with Emmek Frewn came up and Broxley indicated the Fellowship of Innkeepers would be initiating an investigation.
  Now our intrepid crew have all the tools they need to break the Vault of Dragons.  Will they brave it's mysteries?

The Shunned Soul

Lenuir Dra'nur

Level 6 Tiefling (Dispater) CG Cleric
/ 27 HP

Datari Dra’nur

Level 5 Tiefling (Dispater) Chaotic Good Divine Soul Sorcerer
/ 37 HP
Report Date
18 Nov 2019

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