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The Shunned Soul

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Verden
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  • Sword Coast
    A Map of the Northwest Corner of Faerun
  • Waterdeep Region
  • Trollskull Alley
  • Zundbridge Guardpost
  • Lifted Spirits
    A Floor Plan of Lifted Spirits (formerly Trollskull Manor)
  • Waterdeep Player
    Waterdeep and immediate Area
  • Nightstone Repaired
Supporting Cast
  • Ahshala Cramaer
    A friendly but efficient Elf working at Lifted Spirits.
  • Asuttiss
    Mate of Groxxuzashk and co-ruler of Sharptooth tribe in Mere of Dead Men.
  • Avi
    A calm and cool Water Genasi who owns Steam and Steel with his Husband: Embric. Sociable and quick to laugh Avi is a fast but lasting friend.
  • Baker Chinswaggle
    A soft-spoken but hard working Dwarf employed at Lifted Spirits
  • Barok Clanghammer
    The Humanoid form of the Adult Gold Dragon @[Aurinax ](person:86843291-5fc4-41de-a66e-6f37aeaa1c6f).  Wields the Dragonstaff of Ahghairon which allows the bearer to ignore the Dragonward of Waterdeep.
  • Bih
    Guide for the Mere of Dead Men Sharptooth Tribe
  • Broxley Fairkettle
    Broxley is a laid-back, law-abiding halfling with mutton chops and bushy eyebrows. He is the current President of the Fellowship of Innkeepers as well as heading both a large establishment (The Fair Nights Inn in Northern Castle Ward) and a family with 9 children.
  • Daburi Dra'nur
    Sister to Datari and Len Dra'Nur. Cleric of the Traveler with a small temple in Neverwinter.
  • Dagult Neverember
    A well connected Noble with a storied past. Was the Open Lord of Waterdeep before being forced out. Is the current Lord of Neverwinter.
  • Destiny Agganor
    The midwife of Nightstone.
  • Embrae Aloevan
    A technically deceased Chosen of Mystra who lives in a nether world caught between a pocket plane and the prime material world. Guarded by Priests of Sehanine in Ardeep Forest.
  • Embric
    A gruff and tough Fire Genasi who owns Steam and Steel with his Husband Avi. Has a tough exterior but once close to someone is a warm and loyal friend.
  • Emmek Frewn
    Emmek Frewn, a salty northerner (NE male Illuskan commoner), recently tried to buy the tavern in Trollskull Alley but was outbid by Volothamp Geddarm. Stung by the loss, he bought a smaller, less impressive building in the same alley and turned it into a pub, which he calls Frewn’s Brews. Frewn seems a poor businessman and serves notoriously poor ale.
  • Municipal Bailiff Esmae Burke
    A former adventurer now employed by Laerel Silverhand as the Municipal Bailiff of Waterdeep
  • Esvele Rosznar
    Esvele Rosznar is a young noblewoman who discovered the location of the Vault of Dragons but was unable to penetrate it.  She purchased the Old Tower above the Vault with the intent of eventually finding a way to breach its entrance.  She is more than meets the eye.
  • Fala Lefaliir
    Outgoing and approachable, Fala Lefaliir is an accomplished Herbalist and owns Corellon’s Crown (in a stately 3 story home with a Greenhouse on top and a shop on the ground floor specializing in Potions & non Magical Herbs? He is a member of the Guild of Apothecaries and Physicians.
  • Flosten Stoneshaft
    Grizzled Fort Master of Thornhold.
  • Fremen Bast
    Owner of the generations old Balsac Inn. One days ride East of Waterdeep on the High Road. Hospitality is in the Bast bloodline.
  • Gregarious Gnuv
    Owner/Operator of Gregarious Goods: a General Market just south of Troll Skull Alley. Large of stature and personality; Gregarious will regale you of tales (some perhaps a bit tall) of his adventures prior to setting down roots in Waterdeep.
  • Grin Agganor
    The son of Nightstone's midwife: Destiny Agganor.
  • Groxxuzashk
    The leader of the Mere of Dead Men Sharptooth Clan
  • Harrison Fletcher
    Handsome young Husband to Sylvia Bast.
  • Jennifer Puddifoot
    The no nonsense Jill of All Trades at Lifted Spirits
  • Jorzauss
    Head Shaman of the Mere of Dead Men Sharptooth Clan
  • Laeral Silverhand
    Laeral reluctantly stepped into the Open Lord of Waterdeep role at the request of the Masked Lords. She uses her magic sparingly and relies on trusted advisors and deputies. Laeral’s relationship with Vajra Safahr, the current Blackstaff, has its challenges. Vajra wields the Blackstaff, which has her deceased Husband Khelben Arunsun’s soul (and the souls of all the other Blackstaffs) bound inside it. Laeral covets the staff, because it contains all that’s left of her husband. In times of great need, Laeral can command Vajra to unleash Force Grey. Until that order is given, Force Grey isn’t allowed to conduct operations in Waterdeep, though Laeral’s spies tell her that Vajra has secretly activated members of the elite order and sent them on a number of unauthorized missions.
  • Lif
    The former owner/operator of Trollskull Manor who died under mysterious circumstances and who now haunts the building.
  • Morak Ur’gray
    Morak is the outgoing and charismatic owner/proprietor of the Nightstone Inn.
  • Ned Flinthand
    Owner of the Lingering Look Inn in Thornhold
  • Niadh
    The childhood teacher and protector of Datari. Who is he really?
  • Nihiloor
    The illithid Nihiloor works for Xanathar, spending its days creating intellect devourers and setting them loose in the sewers of Waterdeep.
  • Renaer Neverember
    A handsome and capable Noble who's Father (@[Dagult Neverember](person:fde4708f-98ad-4d56-85ed-9fbc7ed6afd4)) purportedly stole 500,000 Gold Dragons and hid them somewhere in Waterdeep.
  • Rishaal
    A shorter than average (5'10") but powerfully built Gold Dragonborn. Rishaal is a member of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors and is a relatively powerful Wizard in his own right. He speaks Common / Infernal / Dwarvish / Elvish and is an avid student of all things: but especially the Arcane and History. Rishaal is older than he seems; rumor has it that he led an adventurer's life prior to settling down and opening his shop.
  • Selma Bast
    Warm and friendly: Selma took to the Innkeeping Life immediately. She and Fremen own and operate the Balsac Inn as a Team.
  • Selmes Dragesh
    The most talented scout / ranger of the Eilistraee following Drow in the Dancing Dell.
  • Sylvia Bast
    Daughter of Fremen and Selma Bast.  Young bride of Harrison Fletcher.
  • Tally Fellenbranch
    A wonderful Half Elf Carpenter and very successful craftsman and business owner. Warm and welcoming but with an eye for good business.
  • Umarno Dreendo
    The leader of the small tribe of Eilistraee following Drow in the Dancing Dell
  • Vajra Safahr
    Vajra is a capable wizard in her mid-thirties, the youngest person ever to hold the position of Blackstaff. As the High Wizard of Waterdeep, she is charged with using all the magic and resources at her disposal to defend the city against threats. She was handpicked for the job by Khelben Arunsun, and wields the Blackstaff from which Khelben derived his name and the title of the office. She gets intelligence from many sources, both through her own network of spies and from Harper agents. Vajra runs Blackstaff Academy, a school for mages, out of Blackstaff Tower in the Castle Ward. She is also in charge of Force Grey, an order of highly skilled adventurers who are called upon to defend the city in times of need. Vajra is always looking for new adventurers to fill the ranks of Force Grey, and she is particularly interested in those who can bring unique skills, abilities, or spells to the mix.
  • Sergeant Varitan Valpetor
    A young slim full Elf. Confident and competent. Takes his role seriously - but not unfriendly.
  • Velm Hardhand
    Owner/Operator of Hardtack Livery located on the NW corner of Delzorin and Vhezoar Streets
  • Lady Velrosa Nandar
    A Waterdavian Noble and the current Steward of Nightstone
  • Vierasti
    A fiendish mind flayer.
  • Vincent Trench
    Owner of the Tiger's Eye Detective Service, Vincent is always smoking his pipe and watching. He carries a bit of an air of mystery. Pay him for his services … or trade for a favor: the choice is yours!
  • Voaraghamanthar
    The legendary Ancient Black dragon who rules the Mere of Dead Men with an iron fist.
  • Vorf
    Works in Waterdeep Dock Ward - when he can.
  • Xanathar
    Xanathar is the beholder crime lord that lives in the dungeons under Waterdeep.
  • Zedan
    Zedan is the face of the Brigand Guild. He operates out of the Gutted Boar tavern on Brassfeather Lane at the very top of the North Ward near the Field Ward entrance.
  • Zercush
    The ruthless leader of the Yuan-ti offshoot in the Mere of Dead Men

Sessions Archive

28th Apr 2020

The Mystery in the Mere: Stuck in the Mud

After defeating their Shadows and claiming their Weapons of the Chosen our Heroes embark on the next part of their quest: To prevent Vierasti from obtaining the Sentient Weapons of the Chosen.   The party must return to Nightstone to report back to the Lady Velrosa Nandar and then head back North to Waterdeep and finally to the Mere of Dead Men to find the "The Dark Helt Staff" (the weapon of Symrustar Auglamyr) – which is lying unknown among the trove of the "Broken Brother "

Read the Report
4th Apr 2020

Tears of the Chosen

Having breached the blockage on the Ardeep River our Heroes (Party Name to be determined!) strike out to find the Glen of Aloevan ... to face the Chosen of Mystra driven mad by Silver Fire.

Read the Report
20th Mar 2020

The Beckoning Road

The Open Lord of Waterdeep suggests that visiting her deceased sister; Embrae Aloevan, be our Heroes next mission. Laerel Silverhand believes the Chosen of Mystra will be able to help locate the simple sentient weapons that the creature Vierasti seems to need. If TTAB heeds the Open Lord's advice then the Glen of Aloevan in the Ardeep Forest should be their next destination.

Read the Report
17th Mar 2020


Read the Report
3rd Mar 2020

New Blood

New Heroes Rise and join the fight to save Waterdeep and Faerun

18th Feb 2020

Sisters are Doing it For Themselves ...

The Family Drama comes to call

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4th Feb 2020

Mind or Matters? So many Choices ...

So many Choices and loose ends to pursue. Do our Heroes follow up on the horrific scene they've just stumbled upon? Do they confront the Xanathar Guild Mind Flayer as Vajra would like them to? Do they hunt down Esvelle Rosznar and preempt some nefarious plot she may have? Do they build a Chicken Wing Empire? So many Choices ....

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7th Jan 2020

Be Mindful ... and Very Careful!

Our Heroes have been through a lot ... and find themselves somehow thrust into the eye of a storm who's extent is unknown. With barely any time to catch their breath they're tasked with stalking a very dangerous quarry ...

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10th Dec 2019

Treachery and Trials

Betrayed by their oldest friend in Waterdeep and left to bear the brunt of investigation and question, our Heroes test the limits of their ties in the city.

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26th Nov 2019

Hearts of Gold?

Having assembled the Keys to the Vault of Dragons will our Characters enter the Vault and face it's secrets (and perhaps a Gold Dragon) to claim the Gold Dragons? Or will they let the treasure fall into the hands of a sinister Cult?

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29th Oct 2019

Violating the Vault

With the Stone of Golorr in hand can our Heroes find the rumored "Vault of Dragons" and claim the treasure within?

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8th Oct 2019

Romancing the Stone (Of Golorr)

The scent of the Stone of Golorr is on the wind … and the next step begins at an old Windmill. Can our Heroes close in on a Half a Million Gold Pieces??

Read the Report
A plan hundreds of years in the making begins it's final chapters: and the soul of Faerun is at stake. Waterdeep will be the epicenter of a terrible scenario if the evil Alhoon Vierasti has it's way. Will our Heroes uncover enough details to foil it's nefarious plans in time?

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Lenuir Dra'nur

Level 6 Tiefling (Dispater) CG Cleric
/ 27 HP

Datari Dra’nur

Level 5 Tiefling (Dispater) Chaotic Good Divine Soul Sorcerer
/ 37 HP

War Queen Venlya Warqueen