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Sisters are Doing it For Themselves ... Report

General Summary

Len & Datari Dra'nur come down from breakfast and find their Sister ( Daburi Dra'nur ) distraught and seeking their help.
  Daburi Dra'nur acknowledges that she now understands the horrific nature of her husband's (Jasten Shaw'd) dealings with children; and worst of all: he's taken their young son Lan.
  With no leads the Dra'nur siblings contact Vincent Trench and ask him to help find a lead.  He agrees in exchange for a favor to be named later.
  To handle their bubbling emotions and the stress of waiting for an answer from Vincent Trench Len angrily cooks and invents a wicked Deviled Eggs recipe.
  As we move into the later evening Vincent Trench shows up at Lifted Spirits and lets the Dra'nurs know he hasn't found Jasten ... but has hunted down the local chapter of the ring of conspirators in this nefarious business: the Prancing Pony in the Field Ward run by a scumbag named Jaraxus.
  Freydis agrees to watch over Daburi Dra'nur while the Dra'nur siblings hunt down the lead.
  Wasting no time the Dra'nurs rush to Stench Street (pausing only to disguise themselves as a man and a child) and into the Prancing Pony.  They confirm Jaraxus' evil intentions when he agrees to broker a horrible arrangement involving children.  Then the Dra'nurs quickly super murder 8 of Jaraxus' scumbag henchmen, question #2 Worst to get the locale of #1 Worst, and finish up by exploding Jaraxus' spine when he tries to run away.  Datari arranges a Mage Hand note to alert the City Watch of the scene (without revealing their identities) as they rush off to save their Nephew.
  Len & Datari then sprint to the house that Jasten is holed up in, blow their chance at surprise when they touch his Ass but quickly Inflict some Horrific Wounds.  He runs away like the coward he is ... and of course is then holding a knife up to the throat of a young boy: because that's what the Worst would do.
  The siblings manage to send Jasten on a well deserved trip to the Nine Hells but not before he slits the throat of young Lan.  Thankfully Datari is able to cast Spare the Dying which gives them time to save young Lanier Dra'nur.
  Further investigation leads the Dra'nurs to holding cells of horror wherein the rescue a young Human girl named Theresa who's recently (and unbeknownst to her) been orphaned by the villianous Jasten.
  Len & Datari take both Lanier and Therea back to Lifted Spirits - where Daburi Dra'nur is reunited with her son ... and meets her soon to be adopted daughter Theresa.
  The next morning TTAB hears that their actions caused many children to be saved and the Child Trafficking ring to be busted.
  Well Done!

Rewards Granted

Scroll of Protection: Aberrations

Character(s) interacted with

Daburi Dra'nur - the sister of Len & Datari.  She needed help! Vincent Trench  - he helped track down Jaraxus.  The Dra'nurs owe him a favor! Jasten Shaw'd - the WORST PERSON - he needed killing Jaraxus - the 2nd Worst Person - also in desperate need of killing 8 Random Assholes vying for 3rd through 11th Worst Person - super killable

The Shunned Soul

Lenuir Dra'nur

Level 6 Tiefling (Dispater) CG Cleric
/ 27 HP

Datari Dra’nur

Level 5 Tiefling (Dispater) Chaotic Good Divine Soul Sorcerer
/ 37 HP
Report Date
19 Feb 2020

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