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Tears of the Chosen Report

General Summary

Our Heroes find themselves just south of the Fork in the Ardeep.
  After unsuccessfully trying to portage the large boat or moving the log blockade Datari thought burning the boat down to the waterline would be the best plan! :)
  Realizing they need to find the Glen of Aloevan by travelling overland they camped for the night and traversed the dark and ancient forest the next morning.
  Bellanocta felt strangely at home in the depths of the Ardeep and was able to lead the troupe without incident to the Dancing Dell: a monument to Eilistraee.
  The forest gave way to a large wide open space: a smooth bowl-shaped valley filled with moss, ferns, and grasses,surrounded by a ring of raised earth. In the middle of the dell was a large pointed stone jutting out of the earth and straining towards the sky. Our team saw a small group of huts on the far side of the glen with smoke rising lazily from a few scattered fires.
  It turned out that the Dancing Dell is home to a small tribe of Chaotic Good Drow who are followers of Eilistraee.   There they met the Drow Leader: Umarno Dreendo and his life mate the scout Selmes Dragesh.  The Drow families welcomed the party to their simple but warming meal and shared stories: including a warning that Vierasti did not sound like a normal Mind Flayer ... but more like an undead version known as an Alhoon.
  The next day Selmes Dragesh led the party to the outpost of the Glen of Aloevan which is home to the priests and followers of Sehanine. 
  As Datari & Bellanocta moved into the village they experienced a strong feeling of deja vu.
  Although the rest of the village was bound by a vow of silence they were welcomed by the Curate: Glorandal Sylharice.
  Our heroes were told they must wait until the Moon is at it's apex in the night sky and then they would be able to access the Court of Silver Fire - which is normally only accessible during the total Eclipse of the Moon.
  "When you meet The Lady do not be alarmed or take too much stock in her swings of mood: she has been both permanently blessed and cursed by the Silver Fire of Mystra"
  After the largely silent meal the tables were moved and a 50 foot wide "well" was revealed. 
  After a magical ceremony punctuated by the arrival and help of an incredibly rare and magical Ancient Moonstone Dragon our heroes found themselves face to face with the dead/not dead Chosen of Mystra: Embrae Aloevan 
  Embrae spoke and her voice was like a multitude:
  "I see so much ... I see death behind and before you ... Corpses/Not Corpses like wheat in the Fields swaying in the breeze of your passing"
  "I see you (intently focused on the Tieflings) inviting the instrument of this death to the tower ... it takes ... it animates that which is neither dead nor ever had been living ... NO! NO! It cannot be: No one but Khelben can Command You!" "No Matter … one Ruler after another after another after another... (she tails off)"
  "I see that you are all brought here ... sent here ... are here?" "None of you sees the designs of the past reflected in the present ... no matter: you will - your lineage pulls and pushes you all"
  To Datari: "I see Trickery in you My child: you have been touched by the Father of Sehanine ... No ... Not directly. One of his other children? No ... one of his Exarchs. Yes! I see method behind the mischief ... and I see you have the mischief in you as well ... but even that is not as it seems"
  To Venlya: "You are touched by a fearsome destiny - some behind - most ahead ... Many choices you will face: To rejoin the roads of the past or forge new ... to protect your clan or protect the multitudes of the innocents ... Your lineage is deeper than you know: but holds true to this day"
  To Len: "Your Traveler is in you ... as are the shadows of your past - which darken your view of the present. You hesitate to seize opportunities ... you don't yet see that the tragedies and triumphs of yesterday pale in comparison to the wounds and wonders of tomorrow ... The Father of Iron city calls you and your hesitance may not follow after that"
  To Bellanocta: "You run from your past and hide behind a mask of avarice ... the shadows are your home not just to hide from your past but because you fear the power of your own light. The more you hide the less you are seen ... and the less you see. Your past and path are the darkest of all - yet I see a brilliance beyond most; your ancestry cannot be denied no matter how hard you try"
  "You come to seek the Weapons of the Chosen? The Toys of the Children?"
  "There are many Toys ... but only 4 can serve the dark purpose / dark master / darkunder"
  "Those that you seek to keep from the Soul Swallower are:"
  1) "Morka" (A mace once wielded by one of the Seven: Qilue Valedorn - whose memorial still stands in the Ardeep) – It lays hidden from the Dark of my kind in a Kuo-Toa temple on the shores of a Lake that's never been warmed by the Sun. Seek the Fungal Folk but beware the Loyalists of Llolth. Trust that which is unthinkable ... although you'll have no choice" (Underdark – Darklake beneath the Evermoors)
  2) "The Dark Helt Staff" (the weapon of Symrustar Auglamyr) – lying unknown among the trove of the Broken Brother in the Mere. Split tongues worship the Worm below and the Wyrm above"
  3) "The Stave of Sorrow (I once wielded this friend ...) – I hear it call me from a cave temple to Thyrm on Kelvin’s. I see your past may be crossing with this path Barbarian" 
  4) The Sage’s Thorn (A dagger carried by Dove Falconhand) Lost in in the frozen sands of Anauroch in Ascore - under the wings of Yldraga. It is carried by a devotee of the enemies of Tempus" 
  "I see sorrow. Loss. Joy, Heroism Tears and Laughter." You are at the center of a path trod by hundreds of thousands ... perhaps millions of souls ... the one you oppose is lost in a darkness that it cannot emerge from ... a darkness that threatens to swallow the souls of so many ... but this path has been paved by unseen hands that even now watch and wonder
  I see only one of you has an ally that can grow as the threats against you grow (she shifts focus to Duskbreaker) You will all need such tools to even find the Toys ...
  To face your future you must face your pasts, your fears and your destinies. You must face yourselves"
  Embrae Aloevan 's gaze exploded  in a flash of blinding blue ... and our heroes faced shadow warriors of themselves.
  As the last of the shadow creature was defeated there was weeping; it is Embrae Aloevan.
  "The Moonstone Dragon gives you a gift" Now please ... I am tired - please help me steady myself ..."
  "So alone ... Lost in an endless sea of time and knowledge. What do you Seek?
  Datari's Answer: "Ah Niadh: You mean Erevan" Len's Answer: "Try to retrieve the toys" Bella's Answer: "All will be lost if you don't" Venlya's Answer: "Warqueen I would expect nothing less and that is what your destiny is"
  She seemed to look towards the Heavens: "They are so small ... so fragile ... why have you put your children in the center of this storm?"
  Glorandel says: "I see you have been given gifts of the chosen ... let me explain how they can work ..."
  He gives them the "Rock of Reversion". A stone that can bring up to 6 souls (along with the wielder who all must be touching each other) back to the Glen of Alovan and return them to the precise spot they left from.

The Shunned Soul
Report Date
06 Apr 2020

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