As we are, so shalt thou be Report
General Summary
Much is learned, about what the strange undead actually are and what makes them. Visiting one of the ladies of the Nobilis memorial, the enigmatic Ryleigh Delauny, she reveils herself to be the caretaker of the memories and thereby the spiritual wellbeing of "the people." She makes good on her promise of frank discussion and possible cooperation, answering many of the questions that had been left unanswered by simply exploring the strange city and speaking to its denizens. The lady healer reveals that she is one of the few undead that is capable of meta cognition; the ability to consider her own limitations and her own thoughts. An ability she requires in order to effectively shape and create the "thoughts" that are given to the serfs, craftsmen and nobility of the people. The only other that are capable of doing so, to her knowledge, are the king and queen, who transcend this limitation. Discussing the core goal of the fellowship some interesting questions are posed and perhaps answered. Why are the undead not afflicted by the strange curse that plagues Moshabar and changes their hearts? The people themselves had not existed for that long, but there were simply no incidents of strange behavior; either they lacked something required for the affliction to take hold or they have something unique that rendered them immune. Another mystery was also revealed; the source of the building materials used by the undead. Not needing to breathe, and using spellcraft to detect the absence of the magical waters of the melaina marshes, locating ancient building was a straightforward affair. While not directly the speciality of Ryleigh, she was involved in the creation of the specific thought combinations required for the workers responsible for the retrieval efforts. The first overtures of a alliance have been made and accademic contacts have been exchanged. And so the fellowship plans their move towards the palace and their visit to the royalty. Being warned by Maja falk that she has found a grove of the coven of and claw empty and abandoned, which is hardly ever a good omen. Exploring the now no longer barred island where the spire of remembrance and the royal palace is located, they visit the statues of the king and queen, hoping to confirm the suspected identity of the royals. Finding more than they bargained for, the king and queens name are revealed; Dorian and Myra Ashton.