A table of captains and kings Report
General Summary
The last preparations before the council of captain meetings take place, with the fellowship receiving last minute instructions from Marion Noire with regards to the mores and the rules of the legislative meeting about to take place. About to take place at the high rollers table, the fellowship cannot escape the feeling that somehow they have been here before. Not playing poker, exactly, but the game certainly has the appearance of a high stakes bluff. Marion explains that the rules are as follows; Each captain may make a single proposal wich can be turned into law for shadowright. For a proposal to become law, it must pass the first round of selection by ending in the top three most votes and then it must receive more positive votes than negative in the subsequent round. Each captain receives 5 coins, with values ranging from 1 to 5, each receiving the same number and value of coins. During the first round, a captain my only vote on proposals not their own. In case of a draw, the number of remaining votes of the proposing captain are counted and if the tie remains the seniority of the captain is counted. You may vote with multiple tokens in the last round, but you may only place one token on your own proposal. Lastly she explains the long term game; a proposal that is rejected in the first round may be brought to table at a later meeting. A proposal voted down in the second round cannot. Informing the group about her own strategy, she explains to the fellowship that it is better not to vote for her proposal as she does intent for it to actually pass, but instead means to have it known. The first round of voting results in the following; Caravellos folley shall be a vasal state to shadowright, paying dues for the protection offered -The city is a safe haven for all trolls, the shall be citizens as long as they act as citizens -The council of captains shall have one seat that represents the citizens of the city.