The City of the Three Sisters

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Kalfinda
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Supporting Cast
  • Arno Goode
    Proprietor of the Goode Tavern. An affable giant of a man with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. well respected in Marketside, and someone who had his finger on the pulse of the city.
  • Bob and Jim
    Part time gamblers and dice throwers in the City of the Three Sisters
  • Captain Scarlett
    The leader of the Scarlet Squids is Captain Scarlett, a cunning and ruthless pirate who had earned his nickname from the vibrant red squid tattoo that covered his entire left up to his face. Captain Scarlett has a thirst for gold, power, and respect
  • Dacre Sunsmith
    A Former Dawn Lance who is of Noble blood, Opened a shoppe with Fellhammer to raise Mastiffs for people, A very good and honorable man who has disappeared and then reappeared changed by something...
  • Destin
    A mysterious Wizard whom some say has a checkered past
  • Elara
    Owner of Arcane Wonders
  • Eloryn
    A mysterious half elf from the bilge
  • Elric
    A faarie Dragon and companion to Destin
  • Lady Fre'bonne Ironwood
    A young noblewoman from the northeast of Tharivell in the Ironheart Forest region. The town closest to her family estate bears the family name. She runs a loosley organized fan club named The Ladies of the Rose in honor of their favorite bard, Doc Rose.
  • Lady Gemmaline Lanfrith Kanarvan
    The exquisite wife of Lord Levandoor Kanarvan and mother of the impish Tashiel. a daughter of the most powerful family in Three Sisters, Gemmaline is cunning and ruthless, but with a heart of gold when it comes to her children, animals, and the poor of the city.
  • Geywin
    Gnome Elder who owns Casters Curiosities
  • Guard Captain Jursic
    A solitary man who presents a no-nonsense attitude and takes his job very seriously
  • John Rents
    City Herald of the City of The Three Sisters
  • Kazimir Felhammer
    A large, well muscled man around 6'3". Long black pony tail and a black beard, green eyes. He breeds mastiff dogs for riding and work. A friendly man.
  • Lady Eloise
    Owner of Curated Couture
  • Lord Banker Levandoor Kanarven
    A wealthy Banker Lord of the City of Three Sisters
  • Lorrianna
    Beautiful. Cunning. Possibly deadly.
  • Lyander Kanarven
    Twin brother of Lyara, and the only surviving son of Lord and Lady Kanarvan
  • Lyara Kanarven
    younger sister of Tashiel, twin sister of Lyander
  • Guildmaster Mace Knolling
    A medium height blonde man with green eyes and a beard. His shoulders are well muscled as youd imagine a man that spent time swinging a tool (or a weapon)... reserved with strangers, but once befriended would go to war for you without question.
  • Mara
    Forge Master and Sister at the Forge Sisters Shoppe
  • Master Thomas
    Owner of Pathways
  • Odette
    A lovely young woman that works in the Goode Tavern. She has flame red hair that almost sweeps the floor. Freckled and shapely. She lives in the Iftran Heights.
  • Renka
    Owner of Wands and Staffs
  • Tamrin
    a protector and guide for the Srinqosha Plains people. He is often called upon to help settle disputes, heal the sick, and provide guidance in times of need.
  • Lady Tashiel Kanarven
    The lovely daughterr of Lord Levandoor, a girl that enjoys slumming in the Bilge incognito
  • Commander Tedric Strongarm
    Commander of the City Guard, Tedric is a former mercenary in the Dawn Lances, a well known and respected mercenary company out of the south east of Tharivell. He is very tall and has greying brown hair ,blue eyes, a deep scar runs down the right side of his face from a near miss years ago. he is suspicious of newcomers to the city, and makes it his business to introduce himself to anyone that raises his suspicions.

Sessions Archive

12th Jul 2024

Last Day

Strange things afoot in the Wychavon Precient and even stranger signs... One without his memories and a group refreshed

28th Jun 2024

Night falls on the Prescient of Wychavon

Pillow fights, Long rests, and new found comforts abound in the Inn of the Diamonds...

14th Jun 2024

Wychavon Precient

A small rest and some gambling for the party ..... perhaps there is more

30th May 2024

Wolf Bites and Healing begins...

After a wild clash with not 1 but 2 werewolves and meeting Cedric the hunter from the Silver Fang Guild, the party mourns the loss of their guide Nace and prepares for the road ahead.... Now more than ever they are aware of the country of Tharivell and all it has to offer...

24th May 2024

Into the Woods

Strange noises and weird sounds draw your attention to the woods

17th May 2024

Are we there yet?

Investigations conducted and carriages stolen, the party finds itself back on the road again venturing further into the vast wildreness

10th May 2024

On the road again

Mysterious manor houses and the journey ahead

3rd May 2024

Campfires and Stories Part 2

Night has fallen and the camp is settled....

26th Apr 2024

Campfires and Stories

Camp is on the horizon, weary from traveling and friends wandering off... where will the night take us

17th Apr 2024

the traveling begins

Lets Gooo !!!!

5th Apr 2024

The Road Ahead

Shopping to do, wagons to pack, horses and mounts to procure, and a trip into the unknown lies ahead, lets get ready to leave the city on an adventure

29th Mar 2024

A new Journey Ahead

The tie has come to break out of the city and travel the world !!!

Read the Report
22nd Mar 2024

A Story is Forming

We met a wanderer named Butch last session and Daemon's Disappearance is at its peak, Jobs have been done for Destin and a new door opens for Seywin...

15th Mar 2024

new arrivals

After the disturbance at the docks adn the harrowing escape, you can now breathe as the safety of Arno's tavern takes hold of you... Then there are whispers of a new arrival

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8th Mar 2024

Session 4

Here we go !!!!

1st Mar 2024

Session 3

Daemon talked to Mace and they discussed the Star Sapphire mine claim, He resolved his bounty with the city watch, Sent Nova and Kaylen back to the nest. Ollie and Seywin went looking for Destin and couldn't find him. They learned more about the Port Morant as well. Ollie found out the black diamond Daemon acquired was in fact a magical item that is used to track people. Historia bought a dagger of venom from the Arcane Wonders shop, she sold one of her Viles for this and who knows what that means for her? Historia also had a meeting with a mysterious stranger in her tent that left her unconscious and missing things she had on her persons. Seywin brought her back with the help of his amulet and they made their way back to Arno's Tavern

23rd Feb 2024

Session 2

We find ourselves at the end of the parties of the last day, Here we are some of you in Goodes Tavern and some of you in flight and even some more of you are in towers on islands awaiting your fates.

18th Feb 2024

Campaign Begins !!!!

It is the late afternoon of the 30th, The Last Day... Celebrations abound !!

Read the Report
2nd Feb 2024

Session 0: Welcome to the world of Kalfinda

Our zero session begins with onboarding eveeryone into the video chat on discord, queing up Syrinscape, and learning about the world we find ourselves in, Kalfinda.   We will learn a brief history of the Mage War that almost destroyed the entire world, and what it took to regain civilization in the aftermath.   We will hear about the five continents, and description of their climates and peoples.   Our focus will be on Edunn and Tharivell, the easternmost continent on Kalfinda, and the setting of our first campaign.   We will be going over some basice about the country, customs, and culture then we will head to the City of the Three Sisters. Making our way to Marketside, we locate The Goode Tavern and discuss all the goings on of the past three days. Zero session will be considered the morning and afternoon of the 30th, the day our campaign begins. The first session (Feb 16th) will be considered the evening of the 30th, and the start of the Last Day Parties around the city.   We will go over player expectations, what happens if a player needs to miss a game or three, leveling up by milestone and what that means, and other such questions you may have.

This story is told by