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Sebastian Stillfall

Chaotic Neutral Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 1
9 / 9 HP

A Handsome Assassin Rogue with a devil may care attitude.

29th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Campaign & Party

Played by
Other characters
14th of Bloom 1351

Day 1

by Sebastian Stillfall

Gods be true, Lyra and I have been carrying on this relationship in secret for months now, she is truly my equal and best friend. Being hard to find those within these walls that I can trust has been tiresome to say the least. The constant missions coming from the council and the constant being away from her is grinding on me. Why can't we just leave this place, we have the ability to sneak away from those who watch the walls and the harbor. There is a guy, Captain Scarlett, a sometimes pirate part time smuggler who comes to the enclave regularly, He would require either task or coin to make the voyage from here, something to consider....

The major events and journals in Sebastian's history, from the beginning to today.

Last Day

03:56 am - 13.07.2024

Last Day

12:06 am - 13.07.2024

Night falls on the Prescient of Wychavon

04:02 am - 29.06.2024

Night falls on the Prescient of Wychavon

12:04 am - 29.06.2024

Wychavon Precient

04:27 am - 15.06.2024

Wychavon Precient

12:01 am - 15.06.2024

Wolf Bites and Healing begins...

03:08 am - 31.05.2024

Wolf Bites and Healing begins...

11:21 pm - 30.05.2024

Campfires and Stories Part 2

03:09 am - 04.05.2024

Campfires and Stories Part 2

10:59 pm - 03.05.2024

the traveling begins

02:56 am - 18.04.2024

the traveling begins

11:03 pm - 17.04.2024

A new Journey Ahead

03:02 am - 30.03.2024

A new Journey Ahead

11:00 pm - 29.03.2024

A Story is Forming

04:09 am - 23.03.2024

A Story is Forming

10:59 pm - 22.03.2024

new arrivals

02:57 am - 16.03.2024

new arrivals

10:58 pm - 15.03.2024

Session 4

04:57 am - 09.03.2024

Session 4

04:56 am - 09.03.2024

Session 4

11:59 pm - 08.03.2024

Session 3

05:01 am - 02.03.2024

Session 3

11:59 pm - 01.03.2024

Session 2

04:10 am - 24.02.2024

Session 2

11:59 pm - 23.02.2024

Campaign Begins !!!!

11:02 pm - 18.02.2024

Campaign Begins !!!!

07:00 pm - 18.02.2024

Getting ready to go meet a wizard with this new kid, some half elf farm boy wet behind the ears from the south of tharivell, I am enjoying this juniper coffee at Arno's Tavern at the moment just chatting to him

29th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Session 0: Welcome to the world of Kalfinda

04:00 am - 03.02.2024

Just met Historia Valen,,,, an attractive yet totally awkward tieflling woman , I make a mental note of this, Also... some wholesome farm boy elf showed up with a glowing trinket

29th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Relaxing at the tavern

29th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Session 0: Welcome to the world of Kalfinda

11:44 pm - 02.02.2024

Sketch of the Tiefling woman I've been seeing around Daemon and his kid, she still has yet to share her name, she tells fortunes in a tent in the city

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Lady Eloise proprietress of the Curated Couture

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Lord Banker's townhome in the East Mark, sketch

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

more sketches of my trip into the East Mark

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

I still have to find out the name of the Tiefling woman who is definitely some sort of community helper, and by helper I mean she hocks fortunes in a tent near the markets.

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Met a gnome named Ollievandril and a halfling Bard named Doc Rose the other night in the tavern, Doc Rose is a bit of a drunk, but I like him, he reminds me of a guy I used to know, and Ollie is a small yet Intune gnome, a magic practitioner of sorts.

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

sketch of the canals I made in Arnos Tavern whilst sitting by the fire

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Lady Eloise proprietor of the Curated Couture in the City of the Three Sisters in Marketside, very helpful and some of the best fabrics I've gotten ahold of in the past 2 years.

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Lorrianna, The Cafe girl who knows more then she is letting on

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352


27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

met a man calls himself Daemon, he is part of the Raven Beak Guild, A thieves guild from my past that I have worked with to accomplish great things, he is a skittish Raven with a kid now, still have no idea how that happened. He wants to work together in the coming days to see a job through.... I might trust him, yet I need to test him to see if he is truly a friend or foe

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Arno is definitely hiding something, he knows about the light magic in the world and he has a knack for casting wards, he mentioned something about not being totally safe out here in the city, then again who is truly safe anywhere these days, I need to keep an eye on him

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

met a woman named Lorrianna in a cafe along the canals last night, we took a trip via gondola out into the East Mark so I could case the estate that I am looking for. She knew my name ..... my real name and said she is friends with Lyra.... I have to get word to Lyra and figure out what's going on?

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Sketch of a beautiful woman in the market this morning, sketching her makes me think of Lyra back on the Enclave

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Sketch I made of the Goode Tavern last night in my journal this morning

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

The sun is washing across the lapping water of the river and the wonderful smells of the Salon and other businesses are captivating, as a stroll down the stone street smiling at the locals. I can get used to this place, no wonder Lyra kept this place secret.

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Arno, Kantbe, and Oddette a unlikely trio but a wholesome one, Run Goodes Tavern at the end of Tavern Row here in the city, nice people and Arno Knows alot about the city itself and the happenings inside

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Got run into by a tiny Gnome today in Goode's Tavern, says his name is Ollivandril, got to remember that he's definitely not just any Gnome !

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Sketch of a Temple of healing Ive seen in the City of the Three Sisters

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Arrived to Tharivell

Arrived to the City of the Three Sisters

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

"When considering a man's motives, remember you must not measure his wheat with your bushel. He may not be using the same standard at all."

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

Lyra and Me ( Journal Entry 1)

27th of Bloom, in the year 1352

After a long voyage from the Enclave and resting in the Goode Tavern in Marketside of the City of the 3 Sisters, I am observing Marketside, contemplating my next move

07:58 pm - 23.01.2024
Played by

Other Characters by Razorcs7