Fading Light

A Genesys game In the world of Terrinoth
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Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

30th Mar 2024

Cailn, Part 2

9th Dec 2023

In Despair, A Fading Light

Atop the Mountains of Despair, near the corrupted lake where the bones of Margath the Unkind are said to rest, the Heroes draw a breath. They just killed Abraxus Avozz and thereby avenged the wraiths from the Burning Plains. They drove off Trogdor and Scauldron, and slaughtered hordes of undead. They earned a break, right?

4th Nov 2023

Ascent into the Dark

Having dealt with the Baron, the Heroes ascend up the Mountains of Despair fighting their way into the lair of The Wizard Avozz to slay him and his Dragon ally Dramillion.

4th Nov 2023

Triumphant Return

Having proven themselves to be Heroes, but not by solving every problem the Baron suggested to test themselves against, the Heroes return to Skydown to let the Baron know what he is fighting against before going to kill it.

19th Aug 2023

The Tomb, Part 5

8th Apr 2023

Session 2: On Burning Plains

Something is burning down farms in the Velvet Plains!

Read the Report
Evil always tries to overpower good. The Third Darkness has passed and Mennara has entered into an Age of Courage and Light. But from light comes shadows, ones that stretch from further back into the world's history than most imagine. An "Age of Light" needs shining examples of Heroism... Are these few enough?

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Kovu Matata





Tesselle Greycastle