Dragon of the Black Lake Report

General Summary

After a bit of a rest, the adventurers had recovered from the shock of the roper, and continued their descent. At the bottom of a staircase, the five discovered two doorways and statues of dwarves wielding axes between them. Initially suspicious, Kaizzt struck one of the statues with his trusty ten-foot pole, causing a mechanism to trip and in a flash, the statue's weapon struck down, slamming into the stone floor. Not wanting to lose any of their heads, the adventurers looked for another way forward, which they found behind the rightmost statue. Trudging down the dark hallway, they saw signs of life at the other end. Leaving the tunnel, they entered into a wide hall, set with pillars and a throne at the far end. However, they were met with opposition, as three Duergar blocked their path. To make peace, the adventurers met with the Duergar leader, a well armored woman with a big hammer, named Nimira. After a not so small bribe, the Duergar allowed the party to stay for a night by their fire, and informed them that a black dragon named Nightscale was lurking below. Though there was peace between the party and the Duergar, there was a third party that the dark dwarves were not so happy with: a drow woman named Nillea. After some bargaining, and no small amount of coin, they were able to free Nillea and buy her weapons back from the Duergar, though she wasn't all to grateful, except to Kaizzt. In the exchange, Naelen noticed that her armor and weapons were decorated with spider motifs, the key symbol of the tyrannical matron deity of the Drow. Though Naelen pointed this out to Kaizzt, he payed little heed to it. With Nillea behind them, they descended into a chasm, leading to the Black Lake, the deepest part of Khundrukar. As their feet touched the stone shores of the roaring waters, Dream and Sylvan sneaked quietly ahead, where in the gloom, they spotted mounds of gold and silver laying on a small island. But their wonder was cut short, as a horned head rose from the water, and unleashed a torrent of acid onto Dreamstroke, nearly killing him. As his body hit the ground sizzling, the party sprung into action, quickly washing the acid from Dream and healing him. As soon as his eyes opened, he reached into his pocket and grabbed the shining elemental gem he had claimed from an earlier adventure and smashed it on the ground, creating a torrent of flame straight from the elemental plane of fire, as an elemental rose from the ground. The battle continued, with Nightscale peeking her head out from the water to take potshots at the party, and while they did the same, they were on the losing end. As a last ditch effort, Naelen cannon balled into the lake and cast Thunderwave, blasting the dragon out of the water. (and unfortunately Sylvan into it) The tide of the battle now turned on Nightscale, as Kaizzt imbibed his potion of giant's strength and grappled onto Nightscale, preventing her from diving again, and leaving her wide open for attack. Though she blasted Kaizzt with one last breath attack, Martin cleaved into Nightscale for the finishing blow. With the battle finally over, the five gathered the treasure into sacks, and hauled it to the surface, where they met with Darnolun, who was very eager to buy Durgeddin's weapons from them. After they were sold, the party took a well earned rest over the course of Needfeast, the winter festival.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Forge of Fury: Completed!

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
14 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Sheldomar Valley

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