Adventures in Greyhawk

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The World of Greyhawk
June 30th, 2019 | Full


Supporting Cast
  • Head Brewer Febblekin
    A congenial kobold that likes cooking and brewing much more than he ever did mining and mason work.  The party met him in the sewers after seeing kobolds scurrying around a manhole, and has been a steadfast friend ever since they ensured their safety from bumbling adventurers looking for something to kill.
  • Lydia Morrison
    Lydia is a a beautiful woman and one of Sylvan's childhood friends. The two of them have gotten into a lot of trouble together, usually with her overprotective father, though that stint has waned since they both reached adolescence.
  • Sevar Gauld
    Sevar Gauld is a tall human with golden hair and a beard to match. He was once a jolly man, but has hardened his heart due to the destruction of the community he had built in the Cairn hills, due to Sylvan's actions. He hates Sylvan with a passion, but for complex reasons, cannot bring himself to kill him.
  • Snatch
    A handsome man with a devilish grin. He moves about quietly and with swagger. He is Sylvan's childhood friend that got him through many a hard time, and into a lot of trouble.
  • Spade
    Spade is Sylvan's Horse. She is very friendly, but has a habit of chewing on bits of your hair.
  • Yarruk
    Yarruk was an orc captain down on his luck in the Pomarj. He happened upon the party while they were in a good mood and was offered a job for good pay at Sylvan's tavern. He is a tad bit akward, but sure in the things he says and does. He is missing a hand that he lost in a fight with the party that has since been replaced by machinery.

Sessions Archive

26th Jun 2022

Trouble Brewing

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19th Jun 2022

Stone Cold Cleric

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22nd May 2022

Watchful Eyes Pt. 2

The Grey Outcasts continue their hunt for Isyptotrix the Beholder, and descend into his lair.

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2nd Jan 2022

Watchful Eyes

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15th Aug 2021

A Darkness Rising, Cont'd

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25th Jul 2021

A Darkness Rising

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19th Jul 2021

The Workshop Watches

After resting for a few days after the Fiend's Festival, a flyer from one Amari Bacci catches your eye. He is offering a 400 gp reward for any information about his missing research team, and more where that came from if you can retrieve any research. The bottom of the note states that he will be waiting at the Silver Dragon Inn in the Foreign Quarter. Are you up for an adventure?

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11th Jul 2021

An Unexpected Party

After taking some downtime after their battle with the Scarlet Brotherhood up north, Sylvan has decided to throw a party called the Fiend's Festival along Blackjack Boulevard and has invited his fellow party members as well as some "old acquaintances"

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9th Jan 2021

The Kingsmoot

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27th Dec 2020

In Krakenheim

After arriving in Krakenheim, the six have several days to spend exploring the town before the Kingsmoot begins. Who knows what the town has in store for them and what trouble they'll get into before they get down to business.

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20th Dec 2020

The Brotherhood Returns

It has been more than three months since the siege of Castle Mountainhelm, after which, our six adventurers have settled down into their own affairs. Sylvan has fallen back to managing his bar, Kaizzt has been managing his new lands, Martin has been following up on research and pursuing his studies, Dream has been honing his skills, becoming ever more deadly, Clarimund has been wandering the wilds in the north, doing a ranger’s job, and Naelen has returned to his drunken lifestyle, loving all the benefits that Hell’s Outcasts affords him. Though this time away from adventuring is a well needed and hard earned reward, they have become a bit restless with the monotony that has accompanied day to day life, an anxiety has begun to grow, like something is about to happen, and one day, it finally does...

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18th Jul 2020

Unhorsing the Tyrants

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28th Jun 2020

The Horseman's Valley

The five have spent a week in a rangers lodge, resting their injuries and preparing themselves to make the journey into the Horseman's Valley. Though they have prepared well, the terrain ahead is dangerous, and there are many threats the land is holding in store for them, waiting to be unleashed. What will they find in Kaizzt's homeland? Will they find what he has been searching for, revenge, answers? Or perhaps things they were not expecting...

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7th Jun 2020

The Land of Ice and Snow

Our adventurers have trekked far to the North in search of the Horseman's Valley, over rocky plain and mountains fierce. While they have found a bit of respite in a city, they must now make their way to the heart of the Thillonrian Peninsula, the Kingdom of the Fruzzti, the Frost Barbarians

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24th May 2020

A Pale Threat

With the more civilized part of their journey behind them, the party must face great danger travelling through the Theocracy of the Pale, and even more danger trekking through the seldom used pass through the Rakers. It will take more than brawn to carry the party safely to their destination, and answer Kaizzt's many questions about his past.

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17th May 2020

A New Chapter

The five have taken a good rest from adventuring and over the course of a couple seasons have honed their skills, and used their resources to strengthen themselves. But, like all adventurers, they all have a new journey waiting for them right around the corner, as long as they are willing to take the first step.

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26th Apr 2020

The Journey Home

With a week of rest and celebration behind them, our adventurers begin their trek back to Greyhawk, cart laden with dwarven coin and treasure. What things await them on the road home? Whatever they may be, they will most certainly be hungry for coin, and take a fair crack at the party, no matter the risk.

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29th Mar 2020

Dragon of the Black Lake

Our adventurers now close on the deepest reaches of Khundrukar, and a shadow is mounting. What could this danger be, and what could it be guarding? Do they have the strength to drive it back and claim the last of Durgeddin's treasure, or will they fall like his people.?

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2nd Jan 2020

Dwarven Depth, Cont'd

After clearing the orcs from Khundrukar, and claiming their loot for themselves. The five took a week-long rest in blasingdell to reconstitute themselves and prepare themselves to return to Khundrukar to delve into the "glimmerhame". What new dangers will they find in this place? Will there more treasure, or will they leave disappointed? Or worse yet, does this place have things in store for them that they cannot handle? We will soon find out...

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29th Dec 2019

Dwarven Depths

The five have traveled far to reach Blasingdell, over land and sea. Now, they find themselves in Khundrukar, an old dwarven stronghold, in search of great treasure and wealth. Though the orcs in their path were little trouble, this is an ancient place untouched by the sun, where things old an evil dwell. I wonder what awaits them in the deep?

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15th Dec 2019

The Last Leg of the Journey

The adventurers have traveled far by sea to reach Blue, the last port city in the Pomarj. From here they will travel to Blasingdell, where they agreed to meet Darnolun Ironbite, and the site of their next adventure - into the depths of Khundrukar.

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11th Aug 2019

The Voyage Continues

After a long, two month voyage, our adventurers have arrived in Longbridge, the largest remaining port in the Free State of Onnwal. They will then travel to Scant, one of the last stops on their adventures at sea.

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4th Aug 2019

To Hardby!

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28th Jul 2019

An Offer From a Dwarf

Our adventurers have taken it easy for a week after their trek across the Plains of Greyhawk, either working, taking care of business or taking it easy. After the week was done, our five companions decided to return to the Green Dragon for some drinks and games to pass the night away.

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14th Jul 2019

Marshland Mysteries

With the deal with Lord Wainwright, the adventurers have taken a day to prepare themselves for a jaunt into the Mistmarsh, a mysterious place surrounded by local legends. With their preparations done, the adventurers await Fredrick, Lord Wainwright's guard captain to lead them to the goblins they seek...

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7th Jul 2019

Adventurers for Hire

Our four adventurers spent their week back in town tending to their own interests. Sylvan spent his time selling the loot they found in The Tumbled Tower. Kaizzt spent his week learning a new craft from a local artisan. Dreamstroke spent his time working at the Green Dragon earning coin for himself, and Martin spent time in the market, plying his trade. They have all returned to the Green Dragon to spend some time together and play cards after a week of hard work. With no new agenda, they will need to search for a new job, or wait for one to come to them...

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2nd Jul 2019

On the Wizard's Trail

Our four adventurers have spent a week both resting and plying their trade. Dreamstroke spent his time serving visiting nobility at the Green Dragon Inn. Kaizzt introduced himself to the local temple dedicated to Istus, he spent the entire week collecting donations and healing the sick in her name, denying the poor their destitute fate. Sylvan made good money by selling his remaining wares, but to make any more, he will have to seek out goods in the surrounding countryside. Martin did his best in the low market, offering his skills as a smith to those in need of repairs, however, the merchants and tradesman there had experience and stole most of his potential customers. The four adventurers have all returned to the Green Dragon Inn to discuss their earnings or losses and what to do about Deggar and his missing cart...

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30th Jun 2019

A Rainy Day at the Green Dragon

You are all adventurers, seeking fame, fortune, or something of the like. This search has brought you to the Free City of Greyhawk, a metropolis and the gem of the Flanaess. Merchants, warriors, wizards and adventurers travel from afar to seek knowledge glory and gold here. Today however, is a rainy day, and not much goes on when it rains. You are all mild acquaintances, who have decided to take shelter in the Green Dragon Inn, a hub for adventurers and mercenaries. It appears to be a normal day, so you have decided to play some games of chance to pass the time...

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Five adventurers met one fateful night at the Green Dragon Inn over a simple game of cards. Both this, and the promise of coin and adventure brought them together. They did not stay together forever however, their allies changed from time to time. Nor did they forever remain five, as a sixth joined their ranks in the frozen north. They now travel together in search of fame, fortune or whatever else awaits them.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

heir to the throne of the showdows Dreamstroke Crimsonfall

Kaizzt Kalamir

Ruler of the Hell's Outcasts Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
