The Journey Home Report

General Summary

With their deal with Darnolun Ironbite done, the adventurers decided it was high time they returned to Greyhawk, as they had been away for a few months now. They took the worn road back to Blue, whereupon they faced down a band of roving orcs, though before either party could make a move, a wyvern swooped down and brought new chaos to the encounter. With some difficulty, the party drove the beast from the trail, and thankfully with few losses. After leaving the wyvern behind them to lick its wounds, the party continued their journey to blue, which only took a few weeks. Upon arrival, they immediately got to work looking for passage to Greyhawk, and thankfully they were able to organize passage on a ship that was sailing off course from the usual shipping lanes and heading straight for Hardby. However, in their search, Dreamstroke was the unfortunate viewer of a slave auction at the harbor, where he took extreme pity on one half-elven child, named Alavara. He decided to buy and free the child, but in Dreamstroke fashion, he didn't stop there. He asked another nearby slaver the address of the one who sold him Alavara, and stalked him there with Sylvan at his side. As soon as the man had gone to sleep, the two of them robbed him blind before killing him to exact revenge for the pain he had caused. Following that, the party stayed the night at an inn and sailed off the next day. The return trip turned out to be the better of the two, as skipping the Free State of Onnwal bought them quite a bit of time. Landing in Hardby the party didn't dally for too long, but gave Sylvan some time to see family and friends before heading back to Greyhawk. The next day they set off, and a week later they were finally back. However, things had changed during the better half of the season they had been gone; refugees lined the walls and city streets, cityfolk from Critwall, the capital of the Shield Lands. Word of the town was that the Holy Realm had fallen to the forces of Iuz, which had encroached on their borders since the Greyhawk Wars. What did this mean for the future of Greyhawk and the future of our party? Only the future holds the answer.

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
21 May 2020

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