Watchful Eyes Pt. 2 Report

General Summary

Steeling themselves, the Grey Outcasts continued their delve into the lair of Isyptotrix, torches in hand.  Making their way into the cave, they first noticed some activity to their left.  Upon closer inspection, they found a small troop of goblins fleeing further into the cave.  Moving to intercept them, they were rushed from behind by two hook horrors, which they dispatched with relative ease.  Continuing their hunt for the goblins they found them in a room hidden behind a bit of canvas painted the same color as the rock walls around them.  Dreamstroke and Sylvan shot projectiles into the room, while Naelen blocked their escape passage, playing goblin whack-a-mole as they slid down the tunnel.  As the scuffle died down, they snatched the treasure the goblins had stored away, a sum of copper and silver, and found a large patch of oily substance down a narrow passage.  Intrigued, Martin lit it aflame with a firebolt, causing it to ignite and burn wildly, filling up the cave with thick oily smoke, causing the party to choke and suffocate.  Thinking quickly, Naelen found his way to the cave entrance and cast Gust of Wind, blowing the smoke out of the cave in a giant plume.  With the air now only a faint haze, they moved forward more carefully, tiptoeing their way deeper.  As they made their way through a cavernous room, Kaizzt, who was at the head of the party, tripped a magical trap, an eyestalk, that fired a deadly ray at the paladin, eating away at his flesh.  Sylvan quickly fired an arrow at the eye, destroying it before it could disappear.  Naelen stepped up quickly and healed Kaizzt's wounds before they continued.  They tripped a few more of the eye traps but were more prepared this time, dispatching them before they were able to do much damage.  Finally, they arrived at the main cavern, which was so large that Martin needed to pull out his bullseye lantern to reveal a portion of it.  From within the darkness, the lantern shone upon a set of eleven eyes peering back at them and a maw of glistening teeth.  As the Beholder slipped forward, tentacles undulating, he accused the party of coming there to dissect him and use his parts for potions (Which ironically, Martin would do) and began his assault with eye lasers blasting forth, and his main eye glowing bright with anti-magic.  As the party rushed forth, doing their best to spread out, they quickly realized they were not alone, as grasping tentacles shot out of the darkness, grasping at Sylvan, Martin, and Naelen; two ropers, which had been hidden along the rocky walls now revealed themselves, drawing in the adventurers to their doom.  The fight began poorly, as many of the party's advantages were neutralized.  The only credible threats remaining to the beholder were Dreamstroke and Clarimund, as Kaizzt couldn't quite reach the beholder with his halberd as it was 50 feet too short.  As Isyptotrix continued firing on the party, the Grey Outcasts threw their remaining resources into killing the ropers and freeing their trapped party members.  In the nick of time, Dreamstroke and Naelen were able to make their way past the antimagic cone and blast the beholder with lightning and psychic energy.  The party, now largely unhindered, save the antimagic cone, refocused on the beholder, and turned the tide of combat, but not before a beam struck true, turning Naelen to stone, who, as his last action, raised two hands to flip off the beholder, screaming obscenities.  In return, Dreamstroke launched one last psychic attack on Isyptotrix, who fell to the ground, frothing at the mouth, electricity arcing around his cranium.  With the beholder finally felled, the party found a significant sum of treasure and the remains of spellcasters that the beholder had cut apart with his eye rays.  Unfortunately, the party now had to figure out how to move more than a ton of gold, and a ridiculous-looking statue.

Rewards Granted

  • 15,300 xp divided six ways
  • 1,800 cp
  • 1,500 sp
  • 17,000 gp
  • 1,400 pp
  • Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Greater Healing
  • Spell Scroll of Feign Death
  • Lantern of Revealing
  • Potion of Animal Friendship

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
29 May 2022

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