The Brotherhood Returns Report

General Summary

It had been three months since The Six split up and went their separate ways. In the following months each went about their own business pursued their goals. That all changed the morning of the 25th of Harvester. It was a calm morning in the Horseman's Valley, and Kaizzt decided to spend it looking at the scenery from atop Castle Mountainhelm, he had earned it after all, as he and his men had spend the past week on a bandit hunting trip. The peace was soon broken however, as a young boy, no older than 10, came sprinting up to the gates, out of breath as he reached them. Kaizzt, wanting to understand what was going on, made his way to the gate and bade his guards to bring the boy some water and a chair. After the boy had caught his breath, he warned Kaizzt that his pa had seen a troop of a dozen warriors march out of the mountain pass leading into the valley and told him to run as fast as he could to warn him. Kaizzt thanked the boy and ordered two of his guards to escort the boy back to his farm with a hefty sum of gold as a reward for his family. Not wasting any time, Kaizzt wrote a message and tied it to the leg of one of his messenger crows and sent it to find Clarimund.
Clarimund was resting after a night of work with Tanil, hunting down Gnolls that had been preying on the local villages when she was interrupted by a squawking crow that landed on her mastiff, Luka. Seeing that a message was attached to it, she unraveled it to read what it had to say. The note was from Kaizzt, who was asking her to meet her at Castle Mountainhelm, as their was trouble afoot. Not wasting any time, she summoned a messenger of her own and passed on the note to Tanil before blazing a trail to the keep. She arrived with little time to spare, meeting with Kaizzt, who thanked her for showing up. As soon as they had finished their exchange, a guard posted on the battlements called down, as he had spotted the troop of foreign soldiers. As they neared their standard could be seen, a green banner with axes crossed in front of a pine emblazoned in white. As they neared, their leader took off her helm, announcing herself as Jarl Brella Foe-Hammer, who sought an audience with Kaizzt. Kaizzt obliged and provided a feast and beds for the jarl and her troops. As soon as they had sat down to dine, Jarl Brella shared her intentions: she wanted to invite Kaizzt to the Kingsmoot, a yearly meeting where jarls would bring up issues and grievances to the king. Kaizzt had been the talk of the realm since the battle with Hagar Varus, and it was thought that King Hungered might make him a jarl. However, she had an ulterior motive; the Scarlet Brotherhood had wormed its way into the king's court with expensive gifts and favors and was a growing influence on him. She feared that they might gain total control over the king, or worse, assassinate him and place his wife on the throne, who was basically in everyone's pocket. Brella wanted Kaizzt to ensure that this did not happen, and keep the king safe, and if possible, rid Krakenheim of the Brotherhood agents. Kaizzt agreed, but invited Andrew down to dine with him, to fill him in on the Brotherhood presence, due to his previous experience with them in Scant. Though the mention of the Brotherhood sent chills down his spine, he agreed to gather some information about them if possible. The only thing left to do was to inform his friends in the Free City of Greyhawk.
Martin was deep in study at the University of Magical Arts when his rocky-talkie (sending stone) began to buzz, informing him of an incoming message from his friend Kaizzt. Shuffling off to a corner in the library, stone clutched between his ear and shoulder and pen and paper in hand, he began to transcribe the gist of Kaizzt's message, which asked for him and everyone else to come to the Horseman's Valley, as there was trouble with the Scarlet Brotherhood he couldn't face alone. (and that he should say hello to Febblekin for him) Martin immediately packed up his notes and books and made his way to Hell's Outcasts. Walking down the stairs, he was met by the familiar atmosphere of a dull red glow that permeated the room, sourceless, and a mist that clung to the floor almost obscuring his feet. At the bar, he saw his friend Sylvan, or rather, his barkeeper persona "Satanael", serving drinks to patrons, including another of his friends, Naelen, who was getting absolutely plastered. Martin took a seat at the bar and told Sylvan that Kaizzt had contacted him and that he needed the party's help. Sylvan immediately called for one of his patrons, Sam, who owed him a favor to go find Dreamstroke, who was working a job at the Green Dragon Inn. Sam found him finishing his shift and told him the news. Considering it had been a long day, Rickard let him go early. Not wanting to waste any time, he gathered his belongings and brought his son, Allavara, along with him. Once they had all gathered, Sylvan brought them up to the main floor, which he used as an adventuring headquarters. Naelen poured himself a glass of fresh saltwater to sober up and Martin shared Kaizzt's message with the group. All agreed that they should make haste and travel back up north to help their friend. After buying supplies and a few magical items the next day, they set off on a three month journey. Along the way, they ran into soldiers from the Bandit Kingdoms in Urnst, who they dispatched quickly. They also happened upon a group of six ogres around a campfire, eating humanoids speared on sticks. They dispatched them with stealth and a surprise fireball. The only survivor, Grumbo, led them to a cave in which he had stored some treasure. Though Dreamstroke thought him friendly enough and wanted him to tag along, Martin did not trust that he wouldn't try and eat someone else, and elected to put him down, to the party's disappointment, but not against their better judgement. Moving on, from the cave they finally reached the Horseman's valley and were welcomed to Castle Mountainhelm with open arms by Kaizzt. He and Clarimund filled the four of them in better now that they could speak in person. The Kingsmoot was only a couple weeks away, so the party decided to celebrate their two year adventuring party anniversary, as well as Sylvan's and Martin's birthdays, since they had passed on the way to the Horseman's Valley. The next day, they began their trek through strong winds and snow, easier than before thanks to Clarimund's skills. Moving fast, the party reached Krakenheim with five days to spare. Giving them time to rest and recuperate before trouble would begin to stir...

Rewards Granted

  • 7100 XP divided evenly
  • 7500 sp
  • Scroll of Magic Missile
  • 3 Potions of Healing

Missions/Quests Completed

A Crimson Plot: Given!


Started on 25th of Harvester, 600 CY
Ended on 10th of Ready'reat, 600 CY

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
20 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Thillonrian Peninsula
Secondary Location
Horseman's Valley

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