On the Wizard's Trail Report

General Summary

Our four adventurers talked about how their week had gone for a short while, before Dreamstroke left the Green Dragon to visit another orphanage in the city to adopt a child. He was mildly successful in this effort, as he was approved and chose a child. He was given a week for the caretaker to look over his information, and then he would be allowed to take the child for a week, the child would then be returned for a week, and if everything went well, he would be declared the child's new guardian. The other three, who were still at the Green Dragon, were met by Deggar, who brought a new adventurer with him to add to their party, Sven, a bard, with semi-long hair and simple clothes, armed with a longsword, bagpipes, and a lute. The party didn't take him seriously at first, but after showing them what he could do with his bagpipes, they figured he wasn't just a pretty boy with an instrument, but one that could play that instrument as well. Not long after, Dreamstroke returned from his trip and was introduced to Sven. Just as the five were about to leave, a well dressed shaven man wearing blue and green entered the inn. He was there to a deliver a letter to Kaizzt and Martin from the Lord Mayor. Soon after he gave the letter, he departed as quickly as he arrived. In the letter, the Lord Mayor expressed that he was very busy with his current affairs, but assured them that he would deal with it as soon as possible. The five decided that they should leave soon to find Deggar's supplies, but first they made their way to Black Wall Close to tell Febblekin about the letter from the Mayor. He took the news with a heavy heart, but hoped that the Mayor would keep true to his word. With that, our adventurers retraced their steps to the old wooden bridge where they were nearly all killed by orcs. What they found were the rotting bodies of their expired assailants, but little more. They then followed the crudely drawn map they found, and from there, they located the Tumbled Tower, an old fortification that only had two of its levels remaining. After Sylvan and Dreamstroke scouted the area, they discovered that only four orcs guarded the area, two armed with javelins and two with greataxes. After pooling their information and brainstorming, Martin came up with the idea that Sven, Sylvan and Dreamstroke should sneak behind a tree near the enterance, while he and Kaizzt burned a tree to draw the attention of the orcs with greataxes, while the three others sneaked in and killed the javelin throwers . They all agreed that this was a good plan of action, and put it into motion. The tree was lit and the orc's attention was drawn, and all went according to plan, until Sven saw a chest full of silver inside the tower and immediately went for it. This angered Dreamstroke and gave the javelin throwers time to act, who both hurled their weapons at Sven, injuring him greatly. Martin and Kaizzt were able to handle the two great axe wielding orcs with little issue, though Kaizzt did take a particularly brutal hit towards the end. Sven managed to heal himself some, before the two orcs came rushing down the stairs, but were put out quickly by a barrage of ranged attacks from Dreamstroke and Sylvan, as well as a finishing decapitation from Sven. When the battle was over, Dreamstroke was furious, and told the others what he saw as well. They were upset at this as well, and told him that he put his comrades at risk by diving straight for the treasure instead of dealing with the threat. Despite this though, he earned a bit of his credibility back by discovering a trap door under the barrels and chests that housed the silver. In which was a small treasure room, filled with goods and coin of all sorts. However, as soon as they entered, a familiar figure appeared, wreathed in flame. It was the Wizard of Nearmarsh again, who warned them and demanded that they leave, though, not falling for the same stunt he pulled last time, Kaizzt quickly stabbed through him with his pike and he dissipated, another illusion. A familiar cursing could be heard in a nearby crate with the wizard's dispelment. Immediately, Martin threw off the lid, only to find three gnomes with an expended spell scroll between them, and proceeded to play his own version of whack-a-mole with the pommel of his longsword. Immediately afterwards, Dreamstroke threw one out and slit his throat in front of the other two, and while this drew some negative reactions from the party, it did work in making the other two spill their magical guts. They were three apprentices at the University of Magical Arts in the Free City of Greyhawk, who stole a case full of illusion spell scrolls from a master wizard and left town to rob merchants under the guise of the Wizard of Nearmarsh. With their story told, the five adventurers tied them up, slept for the night, and loaded up as much loot as they could onto Sylvan's cart before heading back to the city. There, they returned half of Deggar's goods to him as well as gifted him a gem from the small hoard they plundered. With that, they decided to tend to their wounds, and take it a bit easy, doing their business in town, waiting for their next adventure to show itself... // 28th of Reaping, 598 CY

Rewards Granted

230 XP // Strange bottle full of sparkly black liquid, Elemental Gem (Fire), Bottle full of sparkly red liquid, Bottle full of brown liquid with hair, large nails and teeth floating in the mixture.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Wizard of Nearmarsh: Completed!

Character(s) interacted with

Deggar: Introduced Sven to the party, was returned his goods from the Tumbled Tower. // Febblekin: Adventurers told him the news from the Lord Mayor. // Three Gnomes: Were tied up and turned in to the Free City for a bounty.

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
02 Jul 2019
Primary Location
Gnarley Forest
Secondary Location
Western Nyr Dyv

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