The Last Leg of the Journey Report

General Summary

After our adventurers had prepared themselves, they set off for their trek through the Pomarj, the final leg on their journey to Blasingdell and Khundrukar, the site of their biggest adventure yet. On the first couple of days of travelling, they came across a small watering hole where they were waylaid by three giant boars. Thankfully, Naelen was able to convince the three with animal speak to let them pass. All was well for a few more days, until they set up camp in a more mountainous area. During the night, the camp was beset by two dire wolves, though Dream was awake to warn his allies. Kaizzt was able to ward the two off with torchlight, giving the rest of the party an opportunity to attack at range which quickly dispatched one wolf, the other was caught by Dream who wanted it as a pet. The next morning, using Naelen as a translator, Dream attempted to convince the wolf to serve him. The wolf refused, but offered the runt of its litter in exchange for its freedom, and Dream happily accepted. The adventurers set off with their new wolf puppy, and traveled a few more days without any delays. The adventurers passed by a keep controlled by orcs and unfortunately had to pay a hefty toll, but they figured it was worth it considering the opposition they would face if they tried to sneak around or fight their way through. A couple more days passed before they came upon a kobold ambush that was set up along the road in a treeline, though thankfully, Naelen spotted it before any harm was done. The party called out to them, showing that they were well armed and ready to face them. After some infighting and discussion, the kobolds sent a messenger to parlay with them. Kaizzt, had an epiphany and retrieved the bottle of mushroom wine gifted to him by Febblekin. The kobold found it to his liking and let them pass. On the last day of their journey, as the five were getting close to Blasingdell, they came upon some human miners and the two groups agreed to travel together for safety on their way there. When they arrived, they wandered town a bit, Naelen in particular headed straight for the local inn, the Griffon's Nest and bought a few drinks before joining the rest of the party in meeting up with their benefactor, Darnolun Ironbite. They found him in the mayor's house, where they were granted paid rooms at the Griffon's Nest for as long as it took them to delve into Khundrukar, and given directions to the Stone Tooth, the stone formation under which the stronghold was built. After buying supplies from Tolm's Superior Outfitting and Dry Goods, they set off north to find the peak. After a day of travel, they reached the towering spike, and crept up the old dwarven path, worn by age and rain. As they approached the entrance, the adventurers sent Sylvan and Dream forward to scout. At the mouth of the tunnel leading into the rock, they saw two orcs, which they quickly dispatched. The rest followed into the deep, where they found a great door of wood and stone that was as strong as the day it was built. Thankfully, the orcs hadn't closed it, so getting in wouldn't really be a problem. As they peered between the doors, they saw that two great braziers revealed a rickety rope bridge spanning a seemingly bottomless chasm, on the other side stood two watchful orcs. Using a bit of magic, the five snuffed the braziers, disguising it as the wind with illusions. This allowed them to sneak into the room undetected. However, this was only a temporary solution to the orcs, as one left to go grab a torch. Wanting to dispatch the remaining one as quickly as possible, Kaizzt summoned orbs of light with his drow magic, allowing the party to attack at range, killing the orc quickly. The adventurers rushed across the bridge and stood at each side of the passageway which the other orc left through. As soon as he returned, Kaizzt charged his lance thrust with divine energy and slashed the throat of the orc, killing him instantly. The adventurers continued, skulking through the passageway, coming into a wide room, filled with mundane loot the orcs had raided from the countryside, and two prisoners, who offered them potions of healing were they to free them. Wanting to clear out the rest of the level first, the adventurers rested for a few minutes in the room, contemplating their next action. What awaits our adventurers? Are orcs the worst Khundrukar has to throw at them? How long will their stealthy approach work before they are forced into open combat? Are the treasures awaiting them as grand as Darnolun made them out to be? Only time and adventure will tell...

Rewards Granted

Free rooms at the Griffon's Nest

Missions/Quests Completed

Bone a Miner: Complete!

Character(s) interacted with

Darnolun Ironbite, Sir Miles Berrick, Kaira, Tolm

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
23 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Sheldomar Valley

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