Dwarven Depth, Cont'd Report

General Summary

After resting for a week, our adventurers returned to Khundrukar, and were delighted to see that the traps they had set before they left had been triggered by a group of orcs that had returned from their plundering. With the first floor empty, they descended into what Durgeddin's folk called the "Glitterhame". While descending the winding staircase that lead to this cavern, they ran into some stirges, which while annoying, posed no real threat. To make sure they wouldn't be a problem later on, they destroyed their nest. Reaching the end of the stair, they heard a strange growling from one of the cavern chambers. Upon inspection, they were ambushed by two lizard like humanoids: troglodytes, who let a brown bear loose on them. The fight was quick, but the five were upset they had to kill this poor creature that these troglodytes had treated poorly. Moving on, the adventurers found two skeletons that were covered in a strange fungus. Careful not to disturb the spores, for fear of it being harmful, they inspected the two. To their joy, they both were found clutching one of Durgeddin's legendary weapons, which they retrieved with care. They returned back the way they came, and followed a stream that had carved a small tunnel through the cavern's walls, leading to a troglodyte lair. The adventurers attempted to parley with the troglodytes who discovered them, but to no avail, as neither spoke the other's language, and a fight soon broke out, with the five slightly wounded, but victorious. After taking a few things from the troglodyte chieftain and sparing those who weren't willing to fight, they moved on into the main chamber of the Glimmerhame, a massive cavern filled with bits of sparkling gemstone and rock crystals. Here they found a few creatures, who after a careful approach, turned out to be gricks. They dealt with them quickly, and found a few dwarven sarcophagi, inside which were a few bits of jewelry. After looting what they could, the adventurers took a small spiral staircase, which laid next to a massive waterfall. At the bottom, they found the old storerooms of Khundrukar, that had been looted in times past. Sylvan, who went in first also had an unfortunate encounter with some grey oozes, which melted his armor in an instant. Searching around, Kaizett noticed a large shape swimming near the waterfall, but couldn't get a good enough look at it to tell its form. Moving onward to look for more treasure, they came across what appeared to be a stalagtite, but was actually a roper, to Sylvan's dismay, whom it grabbed immediately. The fight with it was tougher than what the party had encountered so far. Sylvan was grievously wounded by it's bite, but the thing was felled quickly, and Sylvan rescued. With Sylvan back in action the party was ready to continue. Soon they would be at the end of this delve, and find their treasure, but there were still threats for them to face, and questions unanswered, but those questions would be answered all too soon...

Rewards Granted

  • 200 cp
  • 3880 sp
  • 25 gp
  • 1000 gp ruby
  • 2 400 gp emeralds
  • 3 60 gp serpentines
  • 200 gp ruby
  • Gold dragon ring with ruby eyes 120 gp
  • Steel helmet chased with silver 110 gp
  • Potion of climbing
  • 2 Blue potion with seashells
  • Potion with invisible liquid
  • +1 longsword with Durgeddin's mark
  • Ring of spell storing

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
29 Mar 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Sheldomar Valley

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