A Pale Threat Report

General Summary

Passing it's borders, the party entered the freezing land of the Pale, a grey and rocky place, often covered in snow, except for the summertime. The party traveled on and off road, avoiding cities when they could. This was not entirely possible however, as many cities were placed in essential crossing points over dangerous terrain, such as Eltison, which had the only bridge over a large river for miles around. The five were not deterred however, and hid Kaizzt in his bag of holding. Though the guards were suspicious about the open bag, Sylvan played it off, and said he had a wounded puppy in it and was giving it air to breathe. The guards bought the lie without a doubt and let them in to the city, which they passed through with no stops. They went even further North and stayed the night right outside Landrigard, but unfortunately, it began to snow, burying the cart's wheels in the stuff, making it impossible to move. With a bit of effort and time, they got it to Landrigard and paid to keep it in a warehouse, as well as had a stable master take care of the horses. To traverse the snow, our adventurers needed something a bit different to carry survival gear, so they bought a sled from a local woodworker and hooked it up to spike, Dream's dire wolf and set off into the Rakers. The journey wasn't easy, but there was plenty of water on the way there. Still the winds were biting cold and took their toll on the party. The mountains' inhabitants were none too friendly either, as a frost giant and his pet took the party by surprise, hurling boulders and curses in giant. Sylvan was unlucky and was struck by a flying rock before the fight even began, but was picked back up by Kaizzt. The two sides then flew into combat, our adventurer's scrambling to the rock face to avoid more rocks, and the giant and his wolf charging the party. The giant was mighty, stronger than any of the party, his huge ax knocking down all before him, and the wolf breathing winter chill. However, the party would not so easily yield and pummeled them both. Though Sylvan was in great peril towards the end of the fight, he managed to pull through, barely breathing. Though after a potion and some rest, he was in good condition once more. Continuing the climb, the cold finally began to chill the party to their bones, hampering their speed and freezing their fingers, making simple tasks a difficulty. This danger reached its climax when the party tried crossing a frozen lake, which was sturdy enough, but their sled weighed nearly a half ton. Though the sled made it across, Kaizzt was not so lucky, he took a wrong step on top of a crack created by the sled and fell face first, cracking the ice apart and creating a disc of ice that wobbled with the slightest movement. In an attempt to save him, Dreamstroke tossed a throwing ax with a rope attacked into the platform, giving Kaizzt something to pull himself to safety with. Unfortunately, the crack created by Dream's weapon cracked the ice too much and it split in half. With barely anything to hang onto, and icy water freezing his joints, Kaizzt was looked like he might not make it. As a last ditch effort, Dreamstroke held out one of his javelins, which Kaizzt grabbed, and with a mighty heave, was pulled to safety. With that behind them, they continued on, making sure Kaizzt was kept warm and dry. Finally on the other side of the mountain range, they passed into the domain of Clan Ukakane, denoted by two large pillars, warding off intruders. Carefully, the party proceeded near the hold city, giving Kaizzt a disguise. Though the dwarves were suspicious, an offering of treasure from the dead giant was enough to open the gates and let them through. Travelling down the mountainside, the party took a well deserved rest in Loegrimm, for they would need it for the next jaunt they would take into the Kingdom of the Fruztii; the Frost Barbarians.

Rewards Granted

Bronze Crown

Character(s) interacted with

  • Interaction with Eltison Guards, who let the party pass due to careful deception
  • Fight with a frost giant and a frost breathing wolf
  • Passage gained from dwarves of Clanhold Ukakane in exchange for a bronze crown

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
24 May 2020

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