Unhorsing the Tyrants Report

General Summary

Over the course of a month, our adventurers planned their attack on Mountainhelm Keep, and made a magical saddle for Kaizzt. While gathering warriors for the assault and preparing themselves, the group met a fellow adventurer and a friend of Tanil, a ranger named Clarimund, and her faithful companion Luka, a giant mastiff with a lion-like mane. As soon as Martin had completed the saddle, and their allies were gathered, they set off for the keep through the snow-covered valley. Within two days they were at the foothills of the mountain, with the keep set above them, beyond a rocky crag. It was an intimidating structure, its walls made of jagged stone, and the lights shining through its arrow slits seemed like dozens of glowing eyes, leering at them from the darkness. Nevertheless they continued their plan. Martin and Kaizzt flew above the keep atop Raijo and as a distraction, slung a firebolt into the stables, causing flames to leap up, frightening the horses inside who leaped about frantically. They knew this distraction would be the only one they got, and with a quick dive, they landed at the gates and heaved them open. Noticing this, the guards drew their axes and swords, charging to shut the gate. The rest of the party sprung into action, leaping over the walls and rushing through the open gates. Though they were outnumbered two-to-one, their superior skill shone through and the six of them beat their way into the courtyard with ease, though the owner of Mountainhelm Keep, Hagar Varus, quickly showed his face. An imposing man covered in black plate walked out onto the battlements and called a black horse with a flaming mane to his side, which soared above the stone walls. Not too eager to let him go, Kaizzt and Dreamstroke gave chase with Raijo, but were quickly deterred by a shining blow that blinded Kaizzt momentarily. With a jeer, Hagar flew off into the safety of the night, but that was only a minor loss compared to the victory that awaited them below, as they could see their warriors streaming through the gate, taking the guards that remained as prisoners. Pleased with their victory, the six adventurers scoured the keep, looking for any resources that Hagar might have left them with. In his private study, they found a chest full of electrum coins, and a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Power, which were given to Naelen. In the basement, Kaizzt found enough preserved food and drink to last the winter, all that they needed. Kaizzt also found an old acquaintance, reading a book at an old table. It was the old leader of the Temple of Istus, Father Varus. He and Kaizzt spoke for awhile about all that had happened in the years that had passed since their last fateful meeting in the underdark. Father Varus lamented about how he had treated Kaizzt and how he had at the very least been wrong about him all those years. Though he admitted that he had failed, and brought the temple to ruin, he passed his blessing on to Kaizzt, and gifted him with a golden holy symbol of Istus, giving him hope and a newfound resolve. With that, the party got to planning and preparing themselves for the inevitable siege that would befall them during the first melting of spring. Over the course of those months, Martin got to reforging the suits of armor collected from the many slain Horse Tyrants and created some shining plate barding for Raijo. Clarimund and Sylvan both infiltrated the western and eastern camps, where the majority of the enemy forces had gathered. To thin their numbers and take away their advantage, Clarimund set fire to a few of their catapults, and Sylvan mixed some deadly dragon bile into some of the soldier's food. They were also able to ascertain that Hagar was planning to march his troops straight to the main gate and trying to climb over with ladders. After a narrow escape from the eastern camp, the two of them relayed this information to the others, who planned accordingly, by placing heavier defenses on the battlements over the main gate. Soon after their final preparations had been put in place, a few warm days melted most of the snow, marking the start of spring, and the eve of the battle. The next morning was warm, leaving only a few patches of snow in places shaded by the sun. Sure enough, Hagar and his force of soldiers and damaged catapults showed up on their doorstep. Kaizzt and Sylvan met the lord of the Horse Tyrants on the field to treat before the battle began. Kaizzt attempted to convince Hagar that they should battle on the ground, face to face, but Hagar only laughed, saying that true warriors fought in the sky atop mighty beasts and that if he had the nerve to claim the keep for himself, that is how he would fight. Both then returned to their troop lines and the battle began, troops clambering onto the walls, Hagar's officers leading the way, and Hagar himself streaking over the castle walls, where he dueled with Kaizzt and Martin. The rest of the party mounted the walls and took the fight to the strongest of Hagar's warriors. On the walls, Dream and Sylvan fought back to back against the climbing soldiers, Naelen though surrounded summoned the fury of Procan and battled with the strength of a raging ocean. Clarimund had the backs of the three and took precision shots at those trying to ambush them, while Luka thrashed those who dared to get too close. The battle atop the keep was not going as well, and though Kaizzt and Martin traded powerful blows with Hagar, his superior skill carried him through his charge, where Kaizzt was nearly knocked from his horse by the blackguard's blow. After the pass, both sides reconstituted themselves with magic. Down below, the battle was not doing great either, though the three on the walls and Clarimund were holding their own, the soldiers in the field were gaining a presence on the wall. Even despite the boiling oil dropped on them, they kept pushing forward. Catapult shot began to fly and slam into the walls, knocking stones onto those in the courtyard. Sylvan knew this was the moment he needed to call on the denizens of Baator to fulfill their end of the contract, and drove his hellish sword into his hand, splitting it. As his blood poured onto the ground a crack formed in the ground behind the catapults, sending a gust of hot wind blowing over the keep. From the pit, thirty purplish creatures with spiked tentacles for beards crawled to their feet, pointing halberds towards the catapult operators and marching forward. Quick work was made of them and the tide of the battle had turned, now that Hagar's forces were trapped in a hammer and anvil tactic against the wall and its forces. Now that Kaizzt had recovered from the blow, he and Hagar met again and clashed, hooves rattling on the keep's roof tiles. This time, Hagar would not survive the clash, as his lance glided off Kaizzt's shield and the drow's lance slammed into Hagar's shoulder, shining with holy power. Dreamstroke saw this as an opportunity to finish him off and cast an eldritch axe, which slammed into him, sending him veering off to the left. This gave Martin, Kaizzt and Clarimund, who were all in the air, a chance to knock him from the sky. Clarimund kept him still with shortswords stuck in his back, Martin blinded him with a quick slash with his longsword, and Kaizzt ended him with a lance thrust through the throat, sending his body to the ground, twisted and broken. Seeing that they were surrounded and that they were without command, Hagar's forces routed and fled to the east and west. Kaizzt appeared before the soldiers and gave a victory speech. They cheered and chanted his name, shouting praises to the "Jarl of the Valley" and pledged their service to him. With the battle won, the six adventurers returned to the keep to nurse their wounds. Kaizzt, wanting to tell Father Varus that the battle was won met Allavara on the way, who shifted uncomfortably as he told him that Father Varus would't wake up. Kaizzt, knowing what had happened, retired to the basement and laid a blessing over the late father, and felt the presence of Istus fill the room. However, this presence warned Kaizzt that he was not alone. Behind him stood an old man dressed in a black robe. He was missing an eye, had two crows perched on his shoulders and held a spear in hand. The man introduced himself as "Woden" and he welcomed Kaizzt as the Valley's new jarl. The old man named him "Friend to Wolves and Crows" and as suddenly as he appeared, he faded away into mist, leaving Kaizzt alone. After finishing his prayer, the paladin wrapped Father Varus' body in a blanket and carried him to the surface, laying him to rest in a place that overlooked the valley. While burying the father, Kaizzt noticed that many wolves and crows had begun to feast on the dead bodies left from the battle. Remembering that Hagar's body was still sitting inside the keep's walls, he removed his armor and threw his body to the scavengers. Over the course of the next few weeks, the party took a well needed respite, and Kaizzt got to cementing his control of the surrounding area. Within this time, many new soldiers showed up at his door, pledging their service to him, and wealthy farmers promised to give tithe as well. With business done for the time being, the party agreed to take some downtime and take care of their own business before heading off on the road or open sea for new adventure.

Rewards Granted

  • Mountainhelm Keep to Kaizzt
  • Gauntlets of Ogre Power to Naelen
  • 3000 electrum pieces split evenly
  • 1350 experience points to each character

Missions/Quests Completed

Digging up the Past: Complete!


  • Ended on the 18th of Planting, 600 CY
  • This report combines summaries about the last two sessions played

Adventures in Greyhawk

Martin Arraway

Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP

Sylvan Montoya

Level 6 Tiefling N/A Rogue
/ 10 HP
Report Date
19 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Horseman's Valley
Secondary Location
Thillonrian Peninsula

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