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Black Squadron: Eclipse

A Star Wars Narrative Dice (EoE/AoR/F&D) game In the world of Star Wars Alterverse
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Supporting Cast
  • Ca'Ash Thoga
    Ca'Ash was the best tracker Septus had ever recruited with blade and blaster skills to complement. When Septus picked up a new contract, Ca'Ash was usually the first call he made.
  • Ceth Desulo
    Ceth spent much of the war as a coordinator for deep-cover agents, his time in the Bothan political class providing him with a wealth of espionage experience. Ceth's role with Black Squadron was much the same, a handler for the unit's growing number of agents.
  • Moff Gaunt Sevrann
    Interim head of the ISRG.
  • Goshar Vowl
    Once the fastest blaster in the Core, Vowl spent his retirement as the front man for Septus Solutions.
  • Captain Kaul Surrell
    Kaul Surrell was a dog, a dependable, loyal officer that would carry out his orders to exacting specification.
  • Commander Mireille Nem
    Charismatic, intense and capable Rebel officer, friend of Maximillian Eroun.
  • Captain Olff Poren
    Olff Poren was an enigma. A commander totally lacking in concrete strategic talent that somehow blundered his way from victory to victory by sheer incoherence and chaos.
  • Commander Ozaan Vaal
    Ozaan Vaal was a brawler. Recognized for his rash and erratic flying, Vaal was often described as a threat to both his opponents and allies.
  • Commander Ros Tolderyn
    Formerly of the Naboo Security Forces, Ros lost his career, his home and his liberty after the disastrous Sack of Naboo by the 501st Legion. With the death of Queen Apailana, Ros and the remaining security forces were arrested and sent to the spice mines. Luckily for Ros, the Imperials tasked with their transport were not as competent as the battle-hardened clones that had subdued them.
  • Sczier Saxon
    Leader of Clan Saxon. Fierce, opportunistic and devoted to the prosperity of her clan.
  • Teth'Yr'Anundoro
    Tethyr as Vosh called him, was both a gift and a curse. Due to the special circumstance of the Alien's assignment to the unit, Vosh was unable to exercise the same degree of influence to which he was accustomed.
  • The 13th Brother
    All records of the 13th Brother have been wiped from the archives.
  • Commander Torellia Singh
    A personal protegee of Dara Indel, Torellia Singh was the youngest quintuple+ Ace in Imperial history.
  • Commander Transe Prayan
    Skilled and cunning commander of Fury Squadron; a terrible foe and stalwart friend.
  • Zana Inez
    A talented young mechanic fighting for the rebellion despite her family ties. Never seen without her droid companion, A7-0M.
  • Commander Zosh Prower
    Zosh Prower was an anomaly. Compared to his peers in the ISRG Starfighter Corps, his record was neither exemplary nor stained by political gaff. A triple Ace by Imperial record, it is believed that Prower was close to Indel.

Sessions Archive

26th Apr 2021

The Liberation of Kashyyk

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Maximilian Eroun