Cardassian DMZ Patrol Report Part 1

General Summary

These are my notes which may be over the place and missing stuff as I done it over a few days.   Dropped the Klingons off at Starbase 343
Got security and engineering reports on the Klingon "takeover"
Asked Muroc to organise a crew "get together" to acclimatise the new crew, a buffet, which included some fried chicken from earth and Klingon food amongst others. This re invigorated the crew.
50% crew humans
About 14 people get involved in the Captains Mok'bara sessions.
The Klingons where transferred to starbase 343, Captain monitoring the klingons progress. * Whose command is the Pueblo coming under? aka Admiral.
Roughly 1 week to DMZ Then 1 Week patrolling the DMZ with a Galor Class (aka CGS Kyria about 300 crew) shadowing them.   * Priority 1 from Starfleet Command. A Admiral Paval (Female, Human) Team had a brief: The transmission from Angstrom Research Facility, which is audio only, has been identified as coming from Senior Stellar Researcher Amelia Adams. In the recording, she can be heard crying out in agony, the only words that are intelligible are “the mutiny failed… they’re everywhere now”
  The sun has gone from a stable 900 Kelvin to 1,100 Kelvin and there is x-Ray radiation through out the system
  The ship tried to lose them/ delay them to get to Angstrom Facility, which they have succeeded in.
  They scanned the system for warp signatures, especially, Cardassian. Found a shuttle with 2 humans memebers of the base, came over very wary of the crew.
The people included a Jack Peterson and (Jenny Pierce)
When arrived at the Pueblo they where medically checked as well Muroc asked questions - they said the Maintance crew went out to fix some sort of Maintenance of the exhaust system that came up as biological contamination. Jack Peterson said he was with the other person (a female) when they where getting some stuff from storage.
His/there remember where all over the place.
  There where people shouting and shooting and some they made a run from the facility.
Someone else possibly tried escaping with them.

Missions/Quests Completed

Tie up the loose ends of the Klingon incident

Character(s) interacted with

Jack Peterson and a female. USS Pueblo Crew Admiral Paval

Boldly Going Campeign

Perren Muroc

Lt Cmdr Perren Muroc ( Vulcan - USS Pueblo )

Not Ben Test Jnr

( - )
Report Date
16 Jun 2023

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