Boldly Going Campeign

A Star Trek Adventures game In the world of Boldly Going Universe
| Looking for Players


  • Star Trek Adventures Map
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

31st Aug 2023

Season 4 Session 12: Tolen IV Reception and Negotiations

The Player Characters’ ship has been ordered to Tolen IV, a Federation protectorate that has been debating the question of remaining with the Federation or setting out on its own. The two factions are very set on their own opinions on the matter, and tensions have been running high.

14th Jul 2023

Season 4 session 4: An invitation to Quarks

Read the Report
16th Jun 2023

Cardassian DMZ Patrol

Read the Report
Currently in early 2373, with the Klingons invading Cardassian space, the Gamma Quadrant getting more aggressive towards the Alpha and Quadrant factions, Starfleet and the USS Pueblo are focusing the gaze in that direction.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Perren Muroc

Lt Cmdr Perren Muroc ( Vulcan - USS Pueblo )

Not Ben Test Jnr

( - )

Obi Vas-Arja

Lieutenant Obi Vas-Arja ( Xahean-Grazerite ancestries - USS Pueblo )

Lt. Cornelius Jemison

Captain Samson Drake