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T.P.K. Thalia Party Kill Report

General Summary

A massive battle ensues between two shadow dancers, a gloomweaver, three night stalkers, and Thalia Nuovis herself. Thalia refused to answer Torren's questions, only beckoning him further into her trap, where she locked the party in a sickening radiance, and summoned their own shadows to sap them of their strength. A wave of darkness blanketed her lair, and as Torren breached this barrier by teleporting into the darkness, he was brutally murdered by dark, chain-wielding shadar-kai.   Pressing further into the lair, Max cast a powerful wall of fire that heavily damaged the nightstalkers and shadar-kai, whilst suffering the vicious attacks of an unfettered Thalia, and falling second. Ro-gin died next due to the onslaught of chain strikes from the shadow dancers. Rastos died soon after, but not before exploring the cave more, rifling through Thalia's collected texts about soul transfer and blood rituals. Strapped down to a stone table in the back, beaten and bruised as if he tortured and drained completely of blood, was the horrifying sight of DeeDee's HUMAN body.   Finally, as the rest of his party lay dead around him, Doyle fought the rest of the shadar-kai, falling and being restored by his sword's dark energy several times before finally forfeiting his soul to the dark clutches of the blade's consciousness. And with that, the party finds themselves once again, waking up in the field of flowers outside of Menkalinan.