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Elemental Chaos Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Locris
4/12/2020 | Full


  • Map of Locris
    A large map of the continent and adjacent landmasses considered to be Locris, displaying the seven countries of Aquila, Auriga, Corvus, Eridanus, Orion, Scorpius, and Ursa. This map depicts the three surrounding seas (Mar Borealis, Mar Eurous, and Mar Hesperis) as well as the major cities and towns in each country.
Supporting Cast
  • Archmage Abel XIloscient
    Abel XIloscient was Percival's second at the time he met the party, and became the captain of the guard after Percival's death. He became a close friend and ally of the party through working with them very closely on deciphering Magnus's plot in the days leading up to the war meeting and during the Second Giant War. After these events, he became the new Archmage of Alioth.
  • Ajax
    The weathered bartender of The Last Stop, Ajax is a middle-aged silver dragonborn veteran of the Court of Knives.
  • Alexander
    A young orphan in Alioth who initially tried to rob the party, but ended up helping them and later several other allies navigate the city in times of distress.
  • Head Librarian Asher Kingsley
    The snobby librarian of the Okumudov library, Asher Kingsley died via the Cloth during the party's famous library heist on the night of 14 Septembris.
  • Consul Atticus Raijan
    Consul Atticus Raijan is the head of state in Capella and all of Auriga, representing them in matters of diplomacy and commerce.
  • AX-220ADW
    AX-220ADW, or Axe (or Axebot), is a five year old warforged at The Creation Forge who works closely with Oscar to welcome new guests in and out of the island of Niyat.
  • Chief Azarog The Strong
    Azarog is the chief of the large orc war band that originally recovered the first crystal key. After coming back from a hunt to find his encampment in flames, Azarog's first encounter with the party inevitably resulted in violence. Upon facing the party a second time, Azarog and several other orcs from his larger war band agreed to help defend the aarakocra at Cloudborne Keep from the kobold invasion, seemingly not realizing that the individuals beseeching their aid were the same ones that had attacked their encampment earlier.
  • Bjorn
    Bjorn originally met the party while hunting remorhaz near Virki Viburi, and reunited with them during the escape from the war meeting. Bjorn was a key figure in connecting the party to giant society in Terra Dur, allowing them to stay in his home and lending Ro-gin the dreamwalker staff.
  • Blackfoot
    Blackfoot was the small, sneaky halfling second of Gideon in the Red Fang, who was sent as a deadly assassin to attack the party after their library heist. Blackfoot killed Deedee Boucher before being brutally slaughtered by the rest of the party.
  • Captain Bo Jangles
    The debonair delinquent that t=sticks his nose in whatever trouble comes his way, Captain Bo Jangles the Inscrutable always finds a way to weasel himself into and out of the dangerous situations that he makes for himself and others. When his crew was massacred in a brief stint working for Kiernan LaBarre, Bo Jangles barely managed to escape with his life by diving into the ocean, defenseless. It is unsure whether he survived.
  • Carl "Geri" and Karl "Freki" Muller
    A set of identical halfling twins who grew up on the streets of Gienah, they’ve made their living in pickpocketing and burglary. Karl was killed by gnolls in the mines during Siege of Alioth, but was preserved by Abel Xiloscient and later revived in Orion's Flask.
  • Conrad Stillwater
    A stuck-up, arrogant captain of the commercial vessel [i]The Gilded Glider[/i], Conrad Stillwater was abandoned into slavery by the party in their first encounter with Captain Bo Jangles The Inscrutable. He was later found to have escaped captivity in Algorab, helping the party take down the interim ruler Devon LaBarre before being abducted by the darkness of "The southern necromancer" at the Temple to the Dark God. Conrad met a righteous end under The First Temple by allowing the party to kill him, destroying the spirit of an invisible specter bound to his soul in a dark ritual.
  • Cormac LaBarre
    The founding patriarch of the LaBarre family, the soul of Cormac LaBarre, through mysterious means seems to reside in his sword, Aithri Dorcha.
  • Dale Fletcher
    hibbitibiitiidibibdibibtibiibidisisiididitidibbisidtibd WALLOP
  • Dante
    Dante is a handsome, debonair lieutenant of the Menkalinan guard, determined to assist the party in any way possible in their quest to save the city from the time loop. Dante has strong abilities and even stronger conviction, helping to guide the party through their day and their adventures. The phrase "I have brought a chrysanthemum for Ambrose" has significant meaning to him, and although he never explained in detail, it essentially notifies Dante that these people are people he would die for at the beginning of each loop.
  • Devon LaBarre
    The middle child of the current LaBarre family, a year younger than Natalia and three years older than Doyle. Devon spends much of his time observing his father as he goes about his work. Proud of his heritage, he is highly pretentious and is eager to take control of the family when the time comes. He is a skilled duelist, taking a slow, measured approach to every engagement.
  • King Didon Athinson
    The dwarven king of Alioth, King Didon ruled benevolently but was blind to Magnus's evil machinations, and was killed during the war meeting with the giants. His body was whisked away by Abel, preserved, and revived in Terra Dur, eventually allowing him to take back his throne in Alioth with the help of the party.
  • Djana
    Djana is an old red dragonborn woman and competent melon farmer that housed the party for a night before they entered the time bubble around Menkalinan. Paxton Valerius is currently working for her as an apprentice of sorts, but the rest of the party still owes her a day of work on her farm.
  • Konge Eidvarr
    Konge Eidvarr was the leader of the stone giant civilization before she died from the glyphs that Magnus had arranged at the war meeting.
  • Ester
    Ester is an extremely talented tattooist who works in The Chromatic Giant in Alioth.
  • Eugene Rumple
    This dashingly handsome, gruff Undead Kennedys fan led a group of miners in a mining base in the hills outside of Okab. When Linus Landstein was passing through and offered to help transmute some of their ore, a band of goblins attacked, causing Linus's experiments to go awry and switch the minds of each miner with each goblin. Eventually, Eugene and his group were (presumably) transformed back into people and allowed to resume their mining.
  • Evelyn Coleridge
    Evelyn is a competent, inquisitive glassmaker in Menkalinan that was close friends with Max while he was growing up in the city, and who helped teach him most of his modern day nautical knowledge.
  • Florin
    The edgy cleric of The Dark God in the Court of Knives, Florin is timid, but very powerful.
  • Garth Tarwall
    Garth Tarwall is a charismatic alcoholic who took the party in at Alshain, and bravely helped defend the city during its evacuation in the Kobold attack. Garth used a powerful ancient shield crafted by Steven to form a thick barrier of divine energy, allowing the most of the city to escape. He was also instrumental in healing the soldiers that fought at Cloudborne Keep against the second siege of Kobolds.
  • Gideon
    Gideon was once a rare half-dwarf boy of odd proportions and strange skin who was believed to be the bastard son of King Didon. However, Magnus replaced this figure with an Oni, who quickly rose to power as leader of The Red Fang, a hunting group in the forests surrounding Alioth. Gideon was killed falling into lava by fighting the party in Magnus's lair with his evil glaive, Bhais Dhul.
  • Hafthor "Fenris" Valle
    A rugged rogue leader of the House of Wolves, Hafthor is a human hailing from Ursa who migrated South to Corvus with his wife, Vilde who died of illness. His short temper and anger towards nobles often threatens to place him in dangerous situations, but overall he is a wise and cunning ally.
  • Hamilton Frye
    An annoying but knowledgeable potion salesman and dragonchess fanatic, Hamilton Frye has a curious way of unsettling those that come to The Golden Vial in search of potions, cures, poisons, and any other alchemical creations.
  • Horus Shieldfeather
    The senile leader of the aarakocra civilization in Cloudborne Keep, Horus Shieldfeather is also the longstanding caretaker of the original temple of Caelus.
  • Ignatius Honeydew
    A red haired halfling bartender from Orion's belt with a kind heart, Ignatius and his tavern Orion's Flask in the lower residential district were always there for the party in their times of need.
  • Captain Jack
    The Captain of the smaalllllll "merchant vessel" the Margarita, Captain Jack ferried the party part of the way across Mar Borealis in their journey to Cloudborne Keep. Jack had incurred a great debt to the devious seafarer known as Captain Bo Jangles, and was left alone to deal with the consequences of this debt after the attack of the ghost ship and the arrival of Bo Jangles.
  • Jonas Kast
    Jonas is an expert marksman, tracker, hunter, engineer, and apparent bounty hunter under Thalia's employ with a mysterious past and mysterious motivations.
  • Karen
    Probably Torren's actual most hated enemy, Karen is one of his peripherally known university acquiantances that continuously pops up in his life at the most incovenient times. She was seen in Corvus, coming to attend the Lockhart-Brighton wedding, and was last seen working as a consultant in Gorp Galore in Alioth.
  • Kiernan LaBarre
    The patriarch of the LaBarre family, Kiernan is physically mighty and has a cunning mind. He is defined not only by his stature, but by his low, booming voice. He represents the family in public and diplomatic affairs, having practiced for years the arts of deception, intimidation, and persuasion. Kiernan is bald, but wears a long, dark brown beard.
  • Kira "Amarok" Jor-El
    Kira is a relatively young looking elven woman, although she is actually 249 years old. and was in an extremely tight-knit group with Matthew Craigson, Steven Ivaedien, Linus Landstein, and Violet. She is an extremely talented archer, despite her apparent lack of sight, and has proven herself to be one of the party's closest and strongest allies.
  • Lassiter "Lassie" Jespersen
    Lassie is a human who joined the House of Wolves only a couple months before they were discovered, and as a result, Doyle doesn’t know much about him. He is skilled with his lyre and would on occasion provide entertainment for the group. He’s a certified bitch.
  • Leaks
    Leaks is the massive doorman of The Court of Knives, intervening in any conflicts that breakout within the Court, and ensuring that no trespassers make it past him without the right (or wrong) passphrase.
  • Liliana "Barghest" Rivers
    Liliana is a young, brash violet tiefling from the town of Haedus who has an innate ability for magic. When her powers began to manifest, and she was unable to control them, her family cast her out and she made her way to Gienah, where she worked in the House of Wolves for many years. Liliana, as the world knew her, died under the corruption of a curse surrounding the Voldeun of Khione in the original temple of the dark god that caused her to split in two. The darker version of herself took the boots of frost and attacked the city of Gienah, where she drowned in an explosion of glowjuice.
  • Lillith
    The poisoner from the Court of Knives, Lillith's sadistic machinations are unleashed on anyone who The Judge deems fit for alternative punishments.
  • Linus Landstein
    The brilliant engineer that has been the source of most technological developments in Aquila over the last century, the gnome Linus Landstein currently serves his good friends in Altair in the Order of the Eagle. Saved by the party from a band of transmogrified goblins, Linus now uses his eccentric tinkerings and inspired ideas to aid the party in their quests and uncover the secrets of the past.
  • Maeve LaBarre
    Much more reserved than her husband, Maeve is rarely seen by those outside the family and their occasional guests. It is rumored that she possesses some sort of arcane power, but it’s exact nature is unclear.
  • Archmage Magnus Amaran
    Magnus Amaran was the evil archmage in Alioth who overthrew the city after plotting the king's demise through the chaos of the war meeting with the giants. His true loyalties are still somewhat unknown, but it is strongly believed that since he was one of the original ancient dragon companions of the old gods, he was corrupted by the Dark God and exploited through his son. His dead body is currently being preserved by Abel Xiloscient, in the hopes that he may one day be revived as Magnus, the Cunning Light.
  • Lieutenant Marcus
    Marcus was Abel's personal guard, and became a Lieutenant in the Stonesmen forces after fighting valiantly to infiltrate Lapistein Keep with Abel during the Siege of Alioth.
  • Matthew Craigson
    This gloriously handsome Aquilan king leads the clandestine organization called the Order of the Eagle, which has helped guide the party in their search for the crystal keys. With the many forgotten secrets buried in his past resurfacing, the rise of the Dark God is slowly being pieced together through the reformation of his broken memory.
  • Modessa
    Modessa is an ancient sphinx who resides in a lair within the dormant volcano of Niyat, and rules over the memory-altering technology on the island. Her deep knowledge of time and the world's lore helped the party answer their questions before setting off into the time loop of Menkalinan.
  • Voice of the Wardens Moshtan "Cerberus" Cross
    A hulking goliath, Moshtan grew up in Aquila where he began doing work as a mercenary. Known for his short temper, he uses his anger to his advantage in combat. His work eventually brought him to Gienah where he was offered a permanent position in the House of Wolves. He serves as the primary muscle for the group.
  • Voice of the People Natalia LaBarre
    Natalia was the eldest child of the family. She lacked the athletic ability of her brothers, but made up for it with her keen mind and wit. Her parents allowed her to be captured by Prometheus, the necromancer to the south, where she was perpetually tortured for four years until the party liberated her, and Doyle helped her regain control over Algorab.
  • Octavius
    Octavius is a curious character who seems to possess some measure of wild magic, and runs a unique secondhand store containing a number of useful and useless oddities.
  • Oris Sylvar
    Oris Sylvar is an archdruid who occasionally represents Orion in diplomatic affairs, and is famous for integrating the Dark God's religion into the spirituality of the Orionic people's relationship with The Tree of Life.
  • OS-29BDW
    OS-29BDW, also known as Oscar, is the oldest warforged at the Creation Forge in Niyat. His years of wisdom and experience are limited by the way his kind are able to store, process, and share information in accordance with the laws of the warforged, as he is an older model.
  • Osmo the Swift
    The original "package" that was originally intended to be delivered to the bartender Steve, Osmo is a valuable, if not the MOST trustworthy informant for Archmage Steven Ivaedien. After helping the party reach the location of the band of orcs that had excavated the crystal key of Caelus, Osmo settled down with the inclusive group of miners-turned-goblins-turned-back-to-miners located in the thick forests and hills surrounding Okab.
  • Otis Grimmond
    The mysterious dwarven divination wizard who owns The Last Resort moneylending facility, and is owed a debt of 40 platinum by the party.
  • Captain Percival Ironwood
    Percival was the orcish captain of the guard in Alioth, and met the party while investigating the murder of Princess Athena, but was murdered himself by JJ Boucher before they could fully discuss everything.
  • Picky
    Picky is a small, hardly noticeable but extremely deadly asset to The Court of Knives, able to pick almost any lock or pocket.
  • Ragnar
    Ragnar is a frost giant that encountered the party while hunting with Bjorn, and whose tactical genius and knowledge of Common proved essential to the planning of the Siege of Alioth.
  • Maester Seneca
    Seneca is an old brass dragonborn that guided Max in his earlier years, introducing him to the concepts of the old gods and Adranus while fanning the flames of his brilliant creative spirit.
  • Konge Skarde
    Konge Skarde is the rageful leader of the frost giants that led their armies into battle on numerous occasions, proving to be an extremely fearsome adversary for any Stonesmen that dared cross his path under Magnus's influence.
  • Archmage Steven Ivaedien
    A brilliant and powerful wizard initially befriended as a bartender in Altair, Archmage Steven Ivaedien has stuck with the party since their introduction into the Order of the Eagle, frequently visiting and offering aid during their travels in search of the crystal keys.
  • Thalia Nuovis
    An immeasurably powerful tiefling mage with some form of unknown connection to the Nine Hells, Thalia Nuovis leads a cult that had primarily been based in the Shadowfell, of which Torren was a member. Her pragmatism, ambition, and zeal allows her to powerfully lead the cult in its dark plot to merge light and shadow.
  • The Judge
    Addressed only by Your Honor in his Court of Knives, the Judge leads a thieves guild in Menkalinan with a strictly dynamic atmosphere of lawful chaos. He often forces outsiders to "pay Bail", which is a sadistic game dealing with certain poisons that are each transmitted via different methods. Additionally, if anyone causes him a particularly significant (or in some cases insignificant) level of displeasure, his pet shark Suzie, who lives beneath the Court, is fed a bone-crunching snack.
  • Thomison
    Thomison was one of the two hired men that accompanied Doyle, Rastos, Byeah, and Kira on their journey northward to Alioth on the Fogbreaker. Marshall, the other hand, unfortuneately died defending the Moon's Shadow during the Siege of Alioth, but Thomison fought bravely and was reunited with his brother Marcus.
  • Vivian
    Vivian is one of the four ancient original dragon companions of the old gods, and had spent most of her life after the dragon war in isolation in Orion, where no one would be able to locate her. She eventually emerged from hiding with her daughter to go discuss the nature of Magnus's death with the party, but she was kidnapped by Thalia on the way.
  • Voomoroz Stalwart
    The wonderfully wise and intelligent owner of the magic item shop The Serendipitous Flower, Voomoroz has used his extensive knowledge of divinity, and magic to help the party in many situations. He privately worships Ioun and Chronus, the goddesses of knowledge and the god of time, both deities unknown to the world.
  • Wendell
    A one-dimensional, zealous warforged supposedly created by Jonas, Wendell appears to serve as both Jonas's companion and Thalia's servant. Wendell has powerful abilities through some sort of old, runic monk order.
  • Will Smith
    AYYY its fuckin Will Smith the fuckin Blacksmith for the order of the eagle im the best of the fuckin best and ill make ya some good shit wit my hamma and big beefy arms
  • Xofrik
    A mysterious figure with green eyes, who seems to pop up everywhere the party finds themselves. Little to nothing is known about him, other than that he possesses a large amount of magical power, as he was able to create rock candies that allowed the party entrance into the time bubble surrounding Menkalinan.
  • Yostix Grellow
    Yostix is an old, white-haired gnomish shopkeeper who runs The Adventurer's Vanguard, providing groups with places to search for and collect certain jobs or bounties, as well as the supplies necessary to complete them. Yostix has always been a big fan of the party's performances ever since the Gala of Life at Lapistein Keep.

Sessions Archive

5th Oct 2022

The Final Loop Part 2

The day of seven dawns ends here

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6th Aug 2022

The Final Loop Part 1

25th Jul 2022

Picky And The Diminution

16th Jun 2022

Ocean's Five (Part 2)

15th Jun 2022

Ocean's Five (Part 1)

Read the Report
30th May 2022

Fourth Try's The Charm

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21st Mar 2022

Casino Boolin

Still reeling from their devastating first encounter with Thalia, the party makes their way through the beginning of their third loop, exploring the potential existence of a speculum underneath the Casino District.

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2nd Mar 2022

T.P.K. (Thalia Party Kill)

The initial confrontation with Thalia reveals the party is more outmatched than they may have thought...

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17th Feb 2022

Below Menkalinan

The party explores the Sun Soul Monastery and the sewers below the Tradewind District, discovering dark secrets and hidden lairs.

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5th Jan 2022


Well it's the solsitice... again.

Read the Report
21st Dec 2021

The End of the Beginning

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8th Dec 2021

The Last Stop

The Crystal Keepers investigate a familiar foe's presence in a rundown tavern in the Menkalinan Residential District, as the mid afternoon sun ticks away the hours of the day...

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17th Nov 2021

Dawn of the Solstice

The players meet their match in a time warping mystery of melons, tongues, and old friends.

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8th Nov 2021

Arrival at Menkalinan

Our intrepid adventurers join a dynamic duo of new faces in their trek Southward to the barrier surrounding Menkalinan, where danger awaits those who dare enter!

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25th Oct 2021

Outrageous Interlude

Mini shopping episode!

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18th Oct 2021

The Trials of the Sphinx

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3rd Oct 2021

"The One Where The Party Dies"

Sorry folks.

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This story is told by

The Protagonists

Maximillian Alexander Giannascoli Valerius II, Heredis Menkalinae, Herald of the Flame

Torren Fallthorn

Ro-Gin Kalagaino

Doyle LaBarre
