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Outrageous Interlude Report

General Summary

The party return to Alioth briefly from their informative, albeit accidental venture into the mysterious Temple of Adranus on Niyat, with the intent of teleporting back to the sigil at the temple the next morning. Upon their arrival, they discover a smattering of wild magics assailing their home, originating from a very confused Octavius, whom Kira had been desperately attempting to manage. Kira relayed the knowledge that Steven's Amulet of Tracking can be consumed as an attunement fork specifically linked to Steven's relative location, in wherever plane that may be.   The party met with Voomoroz, discussing in private the unique bond shared between Doyle and Cormac through Aithri Dorcha. They learned that Kiernan's flail could indeed serve as a vessel for Cormac's soul, as it was devoid of consciousness. Doing so, however, would require the soul of another to take his place in the sword, thereby forcing him out of the weapon and into the flail. The possibility was also briefly discussed that since the sword's curse requires Doyle to slay enemies to regain vigor, it is also perhaps retaining some of the essence of each soul it slays.   Voomoroz briefly discussed the nature of the undertaking facing the party, before they left to acquire Rastos a Mark of the Anchor tattoo with Celestial Detection Ink and meet with Abel to fill him in on their current situation. Abel notes that progress has been made on the library decontamination, that he has recently been promoted to Archmage Abel Xiloscient of Alioth, that Magnus's body continues to be preserved in secret under his supervision, and that a significant portion (800 GP) of refined diamonds was stolen from a shipment in the city a few days ago by a pair of shadowy individuals wielding disorienting green magic. An Eridanian skiff was also stolen the same night, presumably by the same duo.   Upon concluding the rounds of consulting powerful allies in Alioth, they return to the Crystal Keep to tinker, study, train, and wait for the departure in the early morning. They arrive back in Niyat at sunrise, and depart on a small, sleek boat from the shores of Niyat.

Rewards Granted

Mark of the Anchor (Celestial Detection)

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