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Fourth Try's The Charm Report

General Summary

The party finished the remainder of their third loop with Ro-Gin dead and Rastos captured, attempting to take stock of the defenses Thalia had infused with the city and create a more concrete plan for the next day. At the beginning of their fourth loop, they visited The Last Stop. Through Max's genius, Doyle's persuasiveness, Torren's alchemical knowledge and expert ability to survive Bail, Ro-gin's competence as a sous-chef, and Rastos fighting Wendell due to the invocation of the Phrygian Rite and talking to The Judge's shark Suzie, they were able to convince The Judge to lend the party some aid. This assistance would come through The Judge promising to consider betraying Thalia should the casino heist be successful, and in the form of Picky, Leaks, and Ajax, who would help ensure the success of this heist.   During this exchange, The Judge destroyed Wendell by baiting him into standing directly over Suzie's pit, demonstrating his allegiance to the party, and giving them the phrase "until my bones grow old" to allow them entry next time they approach the Court of Knives. After this exchange, they ran into Jonas outside The Last Stop, who held the party at gunpoint for a tense exchange in which they attempted to convince him that he was on their side. As Max deactivated his ring, Jonas lowered his weapon, confused, claiming to potentially recognize something within the blue of his true eyes. Somehow, Jonas understood through this that Max's real name was Samuel.