Book 1, Chapter X: The Harvest Festival! Report

General Summary

The Falling Stars went to the Harvest Festival, played a few games, walked around, ate food, got lost in a corn maze, gambled, and watched lights change.   Iron Wall showed off their new "Dew Washing" ability, and revealed that Dew has a massive fear of being put into tight spaces, specifically jars.   The party went back to working for the night, and met Lofay Kolander of Steel Cloud, who admitted to hoarding quests away from the lower ranked guilds. As a response to this, the party took "Abslyn Disappearances" a quest that was said to kill anyone who took it.   As a response to this, the party was attacked by a Wight and four Shadows, and barely won.    After this, the party rested, then headed out to Abslyn. The party met with members of the Frosted Gem Adventurer’s Guild known as the Frosted Squires. The party challenged them to see who could get to Abslyn first, with the winner buying the other dinner. After this, the party arrived in Lantane, and quickly left.   Iron Wall, Hope, Pan, and Noel saw the ocean for the first time, while Tabby and Dew were wholly unimpressed.

The Falling Stars


Level .
Report Date
17 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Fallen Stars Adventure's Guildhall

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