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Lancia, or the Land of Hills, is the capital city of the Land of Initia. This city is where most of the major guilds reside, as well as the crown.   Lancia is built along side many smaller hills, but is nestled between two large hills. Large white and steel walls surround this settlement, with occasional posts set up around allowing access in to the city. This packed, walled city features mainly stone brick or stone covered brick made buildings with either red brick slanted roofs, or flat accessible ones. The city’s neighborhoods have a distinctly triangular shape, with the occasional break to house an old church, temple, or some kind of communal building. Most strikingly is the dozens of block wide governmental community, that houses the parliamentary congress, the Sovereign’s Court, the Governor’s Office, and the Steel Castle. Each of these giant and ancient buildings, made of a mix of stone brick, steel rods, and marble, hold an extreme matter of importance. This massive city section serves as the center of Initian and the Lancian government.   Breaking up the acute streets are massive guild campuses. Headquarters, dorms, artisan workshops, recreation areas, and so much more. These expansive and expensive areas all lead towards the Initian Guild Union headquarters. The Union headquarters is a perfectly symmetrical seven story building, built of marble and sandstone. Spired roofs give this building a distinct look among the stone buildings that permeate the city around it. The center of this country’s commerce is these guilds. From mercenaries, to artisans, any job that needs doing, Initia has a guild for. These massive and proud guilds, each with their own members, history, and long standing traditions, have carved out a space for themselves, and have left their mark on history.


The people of Lancia are mostly humans, with a fairly large population of mixed hertiage folk. Elves, Gnomes, and Orcs are considered common to see as well. Catfolk and Ratfolk aren't uncommon to see. Most of the people in this city do some kind of work relating to the many guilds under the umbrella of the Initian Guild Union, or simply the Union.


The Lancian government is ran in tandem with the Initian Guild Union. The leader of the Initian Guild Union is elected by the guildmaster's


This city has large walls that surrounds it.


Large courtyards, sewers, bridges, and magic runes are integral to Lancia's infrastructure.


There are five districts in Lancia.  

The Governmental Community

  The Governmental Community is a dozens of block wide section of the city, that houses the parliamentary congress, the Sovereign’s Court, the Governor’s Office, and the Steel Castle. Each of these giant and ancient buildings, made of a mix of stone brick, steel rods, and marble, hold an extreme matter of importance. This massive city section serves as the center of Initian and the Lancian government. This section sits off of the center of the city, but still near it. Many government officials also live in this section.  

The Market Community

The Market Community is a large section of the city that is essentially Lancia's downtown. Artisan guilds, shops, markets, and businesses line these streets. Interestingly, this district is where the enchanted rail originated. The rail goes through every main street in this section of the city. The market Community also includes the headquarters of the Lancian Guild Union. This area includes:
  • Magic industry
  • Textile industry
  • Metal industry
  • Construction industry
  • Market and trade
  • Leisure
  • Raw food industry
  • Writing industry
  • Restaurant industry

Community Subsections

The Night Market
This section of the Southwest Community is primarily used for night life activities, late night shopping, and street food.

The Sloped Community

The Sloped Community is a medium sized section of the city that exists slightly seperately, but still within the city walls. This community is named for the hilly slopes that it exists on. This section of the city is mostly residential, however it is for the most part quite upper class.
  • Residential
  • Leisure
  • Commerce industry

The Southwest Community

The Southwest Community, also known as the Arts District, is a medium sized section of the city that sits on the southwest part of the city, while still within the walls. This community is residential, and also houses many museums. This community is known for it's impressive art community. This section of the city is known for being lower to middle class.
  • Art industry
  • Writing industry
  • Residential
  • Community Subsections

    Goblin Town
    This section of the Southwest Community is primarily inhabited by goblins and hobgoblins. This section of the community has the same architectural environment as the rest of the Southwest Community, however the few blocks and streets have patchwork transparent colored textiles strung up above the buildings and streets.
    The Midnight Community
    This section of the Southwest Community is primarily inhabited by noctural inhabitants. This section of the community has the same architectural environment as the rest of the Southwest Community, however the surrounding areas are covered with a luminescent paint that give the noctural inhabitants of this city section some natural light at night. Additionally, this section of the community is active and busy at night.

    The University Community

    The University Community is a small sized section of that city that sits towards the western side of it. Existing between the Market Community, and the Southwest Community, the University Community is named for Lancia University. Lancia University is a large public university, that is fairly well priced.
  • Restaurant industry
  • Residential
  • Leisure
  • Magic industry
  • Guilds and Factions

    • Within Lancia, the Initian Guild Union represents most of the guilds within the boundaries of Initia, but all of the guilds in Lancia are represented under the Union.
    • The Initian Guard are the main guard of the Land of Initia. Each member is well trained in combat, and social defusion.

    Points of interest

    • The Parliamentary Congress is a massive five chambered building that houses the Congress of Peers for the Initian Government.
    • The Initian Union Headquarters is a seven-story domed greyish beige building.
    • The Steel Court is a large guildhall within the Governmental Community. They are a Gold-ranked adventurers guild, and have a beautifully built guildhall. 


    This packed, walled city features mainly stone brick or stone covered brick made buildings with either red brick slanted roofs, or flat accessible ones. The city’s neighborhoods have a distinctly triangular shape, with the occasional break to house an old church, temple, or some kind of communal building.


    Lancia is built on a collection of smaller hills, along with two largers hills that it is nestled between. Besides that, the area is mostly lush grassy plains, with small patches of trees, and smaller bodies of water.


    Lancia's climate is fairly temperate, with it being a very good area for crop production. However, it does get fairly cold during the winter months.

    Natural Resources

    Surrounding this city is a collection of farms, mainly focusing on livestock, crop, and grain.


    • Lancia Map
      Map of the city, Lancia, the City of Hills.
    Founding Date
    315 Arcane
    Alternative Name(s)
    The Land of Hills
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Additional Rulers/Owners
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location


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