Book I, Chapter IV: Forwards to Faline! Report

General Summary

Day 5 of Travel - Hope headed the cart, the party found a small ruined villa, and they rested along the river. The party borrowed the two horses: one with black, with white feet, with spots and one that was Cream colored, with brown top).

  • Watch 1 (2 Hours) - Iron Wall, Perception 16. Appreciated the beauty of the river.
  • Watch 2 (2 Hours) - Dew, Perception 22. Threw caltrop, and also appreciated the beauty of the river.
  • Watch 3 (2 Hours) - Noel, Perception 27 (Nat 20!). Meditated.
  • Watch 4 (2 Hours) - Pan, Perception 21. Hung out with the wolves. Sync'd up with the land, and asked the plants "Is there anything we should prepare for?" Swamp.
  • Watch 5 (2 Hours) - Iron Wall & Hope, Perception 16 & 21. Kept watch.
Day 6 of Travel - Party encountered fresh water basin.
  • Watch 1 (2 Hours) - Iron Wall, Perception 26 (nat 20). Lubed itself up.
  • Watch 2 (2 Hours) - Pan, Perception 19. Explored.
  • Watch 3 (2 Hours) - Noel, Perception 21. Meditated.
  • Watch 4 (2 Hours) - Dew, Perception 20. Threw caltrop. Found caltrop. Eventually started to examine Iron Wall.
  • Watch 5 (2 Hours) - Iron Wall & Hope, Perception 26 (nat 20) & 20. Iron Wall offered to sharpen and re-oil Hope's blade. Hope accepted. The two had a conversation about wanting to live.
Day 7 of Travel - The party met Opalheart, and arrived in Faline.
In Faline, the party met with a guard and were pointed towards Pharah's Peddlers.
The party met with Leo Skydiver, who ignored them, and pointed them towards Mira Skydiver, a halfling merchant in training. The party spoke with her and learned she dislikes her brother.
The party noticed discrepancies with Leo's story, and learned that he had helped to orchestrate the "purchase" of the gem. The party "stole" some of his items, and invited Mira Skydiver to join their guild.
The party headed into the Great Initian Woods, and found where the forest turned to swamp. The party encountered an ambush, and the party dealt with them. They then ambushed the warriors that showed up after.
The party encountered the Boggard leader, Gaohl, who talked about "Her", saying she would kill him if he said anything. He told the party they have about 20 seconds (3 rounds) to stop him, or he will turn this forest into a swamp forever and permanently.

The Falling Stars


Level .
Report Date
11 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Great Initian Woods

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