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Faline is an average sized town built around the Two Rivers Road. This town focuses on being a stop spot for travelers, ease of trade for merchants, and being the largest town in the area.


Most of the people who live in this town are auxiliery to travel, and merchantile enterprising. As an old farming town, many of the people who live here are retired. However, the most popular profession are some kind of laborors, merchants, or people who have come here to study. The town is about equal parts Dwarven, Half-elf, and Humans, with many Gnomes and Halflings accompanying them. There is a small number of full-blooded elves who live here, however.


This town is led by a mayor that was elected by the township itself, along with the "sovereigns chosen." The town collects taxes on goods sold within it's borders, but also offers protection for merchants that come.


Faline hosts the Initian Guard, as well as employing the River's Road Mercenary Company. This city has no walls, or any real natural defenses.

Industry & Trade

Most people here preform some kind of hard labor, most being farmhands. Many here also deal in some kind of trading, or a caravan business. The main exports from Faline are meats, dairy products, horses, and livestock, but it also specializes in tanned hides, wheat, and corn. While there are many merchants who call this place home, or pass through routinely, the town does not see the profit for most of their goods.


This town has no walls, and is instead surrounded by massive flatten land that is used for farming. There are a collection of courtyards within the city, often used for trading, and temporary market places. Along with this, there is the Two Rivers Road that cuts in the middle of the town. This road is very often traveled, as it is the path to Heaven's Peak.



Westbath is a modest lifestyle district. The district was first named West Bath, but over time people have started calling it Westbath. Made up of smaller areas:
  • Magic industry
  • Residential
  • Textile industry
  • Metal industry
  • Construction industry
  • Market and trade
  • Leisure


Borpol is an aristocratic lifestyle district. The district was first named Borough Pole, but over time people have started calling it Borpol. Made up of smaller areas:
  • Residential
  • Construction industry
  • Writing industry


Crossall is a modest lifestyle district.  Made up of smaller areas:
  • Raw food industry
  • Market and trade
  • Magic industry
  • Residential


Norham is a wealthy lifestyle district. Made up of smaller areas:
  • Writing industry
  • Residential
  • Market and trade
  • Textile industry


Ragrip is a poor lifestyle district. It is mainly populated with lower-class housing, and group homes. However, there is one herbalist that serves this community for inexpensive prices.   


Southwick is a comfortable lifestyle district.  Made up of smaller areas:  
  • Residential
  • Leather industry
  • Raw food industry
  • Leisure

Guilds and Factions

The Initian Guard - The main guard of the Land of Initia. Each member is well trained in combat, and social defusion.
The Pharah's Peddlers - The largest merchant's guild in all of Initia.  River's Road Mercenary Company - A mercenary company that Faline employs for their protection. Can be often seen protecting merchants, or assisting with caravan trips.
Tannercircle - A tanning guild operating on the eastern edge of town.
Spineweavers - A bookbinding guild that operates towards the center of town.


Faline began as a small farming town, but as the Two River's Road grew, so did it. The necessity for inns, taverns, hotels, and homesteads increases, and the town became known for it's merchantile presence as well as it's farm exports equally.


Faline is build along the grassy landscape of the Initian countryside. Small hills dot the landscape, as well as many small roads, whether dirt, cobblestone, or gravel. Huge farms are carved out of the landscape. The dueling rivers meet on the eastern side of this town, and the river peaks over the north half.


This town exists in a temperate landscape, but tends to be quite cold during the winter.

Natural Resources

Grain, corn, cows, sheep, chickens, and horses are this areas main natural resources. This land is mostly tamed by the inhabitants of the area.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank