Session 5 Report

General Summary

The party faced off against Grum'Shar & Co. Nihloor the mindflayer departed, leaving his pet intellect devourer and Grum'shar to handle the adventurers, covering his exit through the secret portal column. The party fought Grum'Shar and the intellect devourer, with Stormborn trying to talk Grum'Shar out of fighting, only to get a firebolt to the face. The party succeeded the battle, but VreeNak was knocked out and had his intelligence reduced to 7. They rescue Floon and loot Grum'Shar and the chest. They have a minor snoop around but don't find more of interest before departing. They take Krentz with them to the surface, question him and he tells them honestly they he doesn't know much as he's just a grunt. They drop him off at Watch guard post explaining what happens.   The party returns to the Yawning Portal and meet up with Volo and Raener. Hugs are exchanged and wine is bought. Volo explains that he doesn't have the gold but offers them the Trollskull Manor as payment. The party aren't sure this is a good deal and consider it if they get to see the property first. Floon tells Raener about VreeNak's injury and Raener departs to find a cleric of Helm. In the morning the party reassemble and the cleric of Helm casts Greater Restoration on VreeNak to restore his intelligence.   The party depart with Volo to TrollSkull Manor. They tour around the property before agreeing to take it. Volo takes them to the magistrates office to sign over the paperwork and the party pays 25gp to cover the witnessing cost. The party returns and has another look around, they break into the cellar and find the fresco. At this point Brxoley arrives and suggests they join the guild of the Fellowship of Innkeepers. They decline at the moment as they aren't sure what they're doing with the play. He says if they change their mind to come find him at the Halflings Eye Tavern in the Sea Ward.   The party then find different guilds members to get quotes to fix the tavern up. They start thinking about ways they can reduce the costs themselves. They bed down for the night in the groundfloor, taking turns on watch and casting alarm spells. There is a creak from the basement but nobody passes the check. Rhasan has a dagger rust.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist


Neutral Tiefling (Criminal / Spy)
Sorcerer 3
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
Session 5 Notes by Orianna
Report Date
18 Oct 2022

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