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Fri 21st Oct 2022 07:29

Session 5 Notes

by Orianna

Orianna wants a room on the second floor with a bathroom & turret window
Contact Madame Pearl @ Sinners paradise
Previous did shows for high class patrons, think geisha-esque. WOudl gather info from high profile clients or pick pocket important items e.g. documents/ keys for copy and replace.
Would also do "heist" type jobs for The Crows (a criminal gang Orianna ran with) that racketeered the Sinner's Paradise. Will take on work for Madame Pearle to earn cash.
Cna slo charm sellers/tradesmen for deals?
-> 25gp Rhasan stole & sold
-> 10gp VreeNak cleans w/ unseen servant
-> 25gp Orianna for Sinner's Paradise
-> 25gp Stormborn for magical Masonary
= 85gp
+ Water drainage 50go = 815gp remaining.
Got 1800gp investment from Mirt for 45% of profits.
Vajra Safahr (Blackstaff) sends message into VreeNaks head to visit tower.
Hlam (Monk)
Sage in cave on side Mount WAterdeep - wants guidance
Don't overstage welcome
About dodgy stuff happening in city
Insignia of Grey hand to get past guards.