Session 2: Race to Haven Report

General Summary

We picked up where we left off last time when Joe told Angie, Peter, and Quinn that they needed to have a conversation.  They decided to leave the church first and check in with their friends.  The police were called, and one guest, a researcher who works with Monica and Arthur told the police they saw Quinn use a weapon as well as the pastor.  Quinn explained she used hairspray and a candle as an improvised weapon to prevent the pastor from attacking everyone.  The police believed her.  The group then went with Monica, Arthur, and Monica's dad to the justice of the peace.  Monica and Arthur were finally married.  Prior to the reception, Quinn, Peter, Angie, and Joe got together to talk about what happened in the church.  Joe explained that the Olympian Gods are real and that Peter and Quinn are the children of gods.  Quinn was able to access her magic after Joe explained that the mysterious tattoo of a moon and stars that appeared on her arm is her arcane focus.  Quinn used prestidigitation to copy her tattoo on the desk in the hotel room.  Joe also explained how the Haze prevented people from seeing the world of myth and magic.  It also had been hiding the scent of Peter and Quinn from monsters.  Now that they know the truth, monsters will be drawn to their scent.  Joe learned from Quinn's mom that there is a safe location where they can train called Haven.  The group agreed to go there in the morning.  They then attended the reception with Monica and Arthur.  The group gathered together the next morning and stopped for snacks before roadtripping in Peter's car to Haven.  They were jamming to the Rocky soundtrack and failed to notice when a swarm of bees started attacking them.  While fighting the bees, Quinn noticed a giant insectoid monster coming towards their car.  After killing the last bee, they left the car and proceeded on foot to try to reach Haven.  The monster pursued them.  Joe and Quinn went through the woods while Angie and Peter took the path.  The monster followed Angie and Peter.  Quinn successfully injured the creature several times before being attacked by a sentient bush.  The large creature was able to catch Peter and strike him down as Peter sent his mother ahead to get help from Haven.  Joe was also attacked by the shrub.  Quinn gave her father dragon's breath after giving him a flaming hot cheeto to be able to cast the spell.  She then went to get help as he attacked the large monster and destroyed the shrub.  She was able to call for help as the large creature stuck down her father.  A mysterious woman emerged from Haven with a rifle that she used to shoot the creature in the head, killing it.  The woman then directed healers to help revive Peter and Joe.  She knew Peter's name.

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
05 Nov 2022

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