Session 12 D&D LIVE!!!: The Fires at Haven Report

General Summary

Peter, Quinn, and Valerie began their drive to Haven.  Peter investigated the weather patterns to see what he could find about its strange behavior.  Quinn investigated historical records and myths to see if the weather behaved oddly when something was going on with Zeus.  They found that Zeus had caused odd weather patterns in the past when he was angry and found that he was likely causing the weather now.  They also believed that whatever was making him angry was not located in the middle of the country but instead Zeus started making the odd storm there to make sure all knew it was the result of his anger and not a naturally occurring phenomenon.  Peter searched for gear that would protect them from fire and ways to fight magical fire.  He found that protective fire proof clothing, masks, water, and goggles to see through the smoke would be helpful.  He found that it was safest in rocky areas during a fire.  He discovered that cold damage would be more effective against magical fire.    He also called his mother who had a connection to the modular airborne firefighting system through a connection at the bank where she works.  This allowed the group to know when and where an air tanker would dump fire suppressant from a plane over their path and protect Peter's car from the flames.  The group was able to find all of the protective gear.  They also bought one fire extinguisher.  Peter thought about stealing another, but Quinn stopped him.  They are beginning to run low on money.  Valerie did research on a few new spells, including tidal wave to prepare for the fight ahead.  The group proceeded to a line of police officers preventing people from entering the forest fire.  Peter activated the stealth mode on his car, and the group successfully snuck past the police officers, driving straight through the gap between two of them.     The trio arrived on the path to haven to find the entire thing ablaze.  Valerie moved first and went ahead of Peter and Quinn.  Quinn performed dragon's breath on Peter using a hot cheeto and a peppermint to ensure the spell would result in cold damage.  moved up towards a rock and discovered a group of seven inhabitants of haven being surrounded by fire elementals.  One of the group had dropped.  They looked very rough and exhausted.  Peter moved towards them and released a cone of cold with his dragon's breath, injuring several fire elementals.  They asked the group what was going on.  The group revealed that the elementals were attacking the tree at the border.  Quinn moved away from the group.  One of them cried out to Quinn asking why she was abandoning them.  Peter then questioned if it was not more important that they protect the tree.  The group agreed.  He used cure wounds to revive the fallen member who left the group prior to moving to join Quinn.  The group chastised him for wasting a spell on them.  Peter and Quinn continued through the forest, finding Valerie and calling her to go with them.  They raced towards the tree and saw it being attacked by many elementals.  They saw Doug, the Hermes dorm Dad, and Sadie, one of Quinn's roommates, lying fallen before the tree.  Valerie used a tidal wave to to injure several of the elementals and put out the non-magical fire in a large radius.  The Quinn used thunderwave to injure several elementals and push them back from the tree.  Peter used the cold dragon's breath again to injure more elementals as well.  The elementals reacted by charging the tree and ignoring all of the inhabitants of haven to focus on the tree.  Even after the inhabitants of Haven succeeded on many opportunity attacks, a swarm of elementals arrived at the tree.  Valerie used her last tidal wave and Quinn used thunderwave to injure as many elementals as possible.  Peter called out to Zeus asking for help protecting the tree and declaring that he should not let his daughter die in vain.  Peter was immediately struck by lightning and dropped.  The fire elementals still attacked the tree and after successfully lighting it on fire, others proceeded into Haven.  Valerie used some ambrosia to revive Peter, and Quinn entered Haven.  Peter followed her when he was able.  They saw that the Hermes building was on fire and there were many people laid out on the ground for triage.  Suddenly, torrential rain poured from the skies.  The elementals released an unearthly screech as the fires were put out and combat ended.     Peter and Quinn tried to help the injured as the healers were out of spells, out of ambrosia, and collapsing due to exhaustion.  Quinn used prestidigitation to clean wounds.  Peter distributed individual points of lay on hands to save eleven people who were on death's door.  He also used a cure wounds on Liam who was badly injured and will be permanently scarred.  He had third degree burns covering his body and was right on death's door before Peter's intervention.  Lillian, Quinn's roommate, and the rogue who fought with then in the volcano version of the battlefield were also badly injured.  They saw a list of the dead and a list of the missing that had been posted in Haven.  Among the dead were Mark, Quinn's roommate, the fighter who fought with then in the volcano battlefield fight, and the librarian who accidentally said Zeus' name while helping Quinn find information.  Among the missing were Eugene, who stole Quinn's bed, Jessica, the barbarian who they fought against in the volcano battlefield fight, Hazel, the warlock who they fought against in the volcano battlefield fight, and the healer who helped Clarice after she was possessed.     Peter and Quinn noticed that many people were glaring at Peter.  As he passed her, the healer who had saved his life and the life of Quinn's father when the first arrived in Haven said, "Please, just leave.  This place was my home.  It was safe, one of the only safe places, before you came here.  You are cursed.  Ever since you arrived, terrible things have been happening.  Please, just go."   Clarice spoke up before anyone else could say anything shouting, "Hey, don't talk about him like that!  Don't you see how many people he just saved?  What are you all doing standing around here?  Don't you have work to do?"  Clarice and Colin had just brought in a deceased inhabitant of Haven on a makeshift stretcher.  She drew Peter and Quinn away from the others to tell Peter not to blame them.  She explained that it had been a long week of fighting and that D had taken hundreds of elementals to another plane to fight them and had not yet returned.  She told them that people were angry with Z, but it is too dangerous to be angry with Z that they are taking out their frustrations on Peter.  She explained that people were angry because Zeus didn't intervene until the tree was on fire.  He did nothing to help them for the week that they were fighting and dying.  Zeus protected his dead daughter before protecting the living who needed him.  In addition to that, with the Hermes building burned, there is no place to stay for many of Haven's inhabitants.  They are angry that they are treating the injured on the ground outside when there are gigantic empty buildings close by that they cannot enter as they are not the children of Zeus, Hades, or Poseidon.   Peter spoke up saying, "No.  I have lived my whole life getting into fights, and it seems like everywhere I go danger follows.  I just want to help.  I want to do as much good as I can to undo this even if I inadvertently caused it.  Now you said that there was work to be done, let's get to work." Collin scooped Peter up in a hug after his words.  Peter and Collin waited while Clarice placed a coin in the mouth of one of the dead.  Quinn felt the coin with the skiff grow warm in her packet as she witnessed this act.  She looked at the coin and saw the image on it had changed from a skiff to the Grand Canyon.  She put the coin back in her pocket to be dealt with later.  Peter, Collin, and Clarice left the barrier to retrieve more of their former comrades.  As he passed through the barrier, Peter felt like he was moving through jello which was very different from how it normally felt.  When he attempted to return, the barrier was solid and would not permit him entry.  All others were still able to cross the barrier.  Peter looked up at the sky, sighed, and said, "Yeah.  That seems right."

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
05 Mar 2023

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