Session 8: The Interrogation Report

General Summary

Peter, Quinn, Valerie, Seth, and John successfully fled the museum.  They stopped at a liquor store so that they could carry the incapacitated thief inside their motel room and make it look like he had simply passed out from having too much to drink.  They also saw a symbol that both thieves held (one was a tatoo and the other an arcane focus) that contained five circles. The entered their hotel room, placed a silencing spell on the room and woke up the thief.  Under the influence of Peter's intimidation and the power of the Belt of Aphrodite the thief revealed that he was a demigod who worked for a group called Veritas.  Veritas seeks to remove the current King of the Universe from power.  He also revealed that he was supposed to go to New Orleans to receive new orders about another artifact.  Before the thief could reveal more information, his eyes turned glassy and he began speaking to someone the others in the room could not see.  The thief begged for forgiveness and mercy before disappearing in a flash of light.  The group decided that John and Seth would take the dead thief back to Haven with the hope they could revive him to gain additional information.  Valerie, Quinn, and Peter decided to take Peter's car down to New Orleans.  Peter and Quinn also learned that Zeus will smite any demigod who flys in a plane unless they are his child.  Quinn did some research on her phone while Peter was driving.  She looked up veritas and found a data management company, restaurant, winery, Christian school, and a technology company.  She also looked up Greek gods related to truth and found Aletheia, who some believe to be the daughter of Zeus and Hera while others believe her to be a creation of Prometheus.  While Valerie was driving, Peter researched museums in New Orleans.  He found information on the WWII Museum, Hellenic Cultural Center, New Orleans Museum of Art, Museum of Death, Historic Voodoo Museum, the Cabildo, the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum, and the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park.  Peter and Quinn also took some time to call their parents.  Joe received word from a friend of his, Greg, that Greg would be happy to let them stay with him while they were in New Orleans.  While at a rest stop, Valerie, Quinn, and Peter encountered a cyclops who was upset when Quinn almost left without buying snacks.  After a bit of a tense interaction, the cyclops warned them to be careful when driving through Texas.  The three continued on their trip and ran into two people with a hellhound at another rest stop.  They almost escaped detection, but Quinn experienced a wild magic surge and transformed into a sheep.  After fighting off the people and accidentally summoning four flumphs with another wild magic surge, the group was able to successfully make it to Greg's place.

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
28 Jan 2023

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