Session 4 D&D LIVE: Signs from the Gods Report

General Summary

We picked up with Peter and Quinn finishing dinner.  They went to the Hermes building where they met Doug who is like a dorm Dad.  They picked their way through the chaos of the Hermes building which is bigger on the inside until they made it to the suite where they would be staying.  Here they were shown their "rooms" which were really converted closets.  There were bunkbeds in the bedroom attached to Quinn's.  Doug told them to let him know if they needed anything.  As a son of Hermes, he has the message spell always active, so they can send him a message at any time when they are in Haven as long as that message has at most 15 words.  Doug also warned them that Hermes is the god of thieves and directed them to store valuables in the magical trunk located in their rooms. They met their three suite mates: Sadie, a daughter of a lesser god, Lillian who had not been claimed, and Marc, a son of Hermes.  Everyone was very welcoming.  Quinn went to the roof to look at the stars with her small telescope and decompress.  While there were people on the roof, they left her alone.     The next morning Peter and Quinn met Jessica in the pavilion.  They both prayed for a sign from their godly parent.  Jessica instructed them to head to the training facility after breakfast.  She also provides some additional information about ambrosia, telling them that the children of Apollo can help them with finding an appropriate dosage.  She also tells them that there are rumors that ambrosia can be addictive.  Finally, she tells them that she has never known any demigod who became addicted, but it is better safe than sorry.  Should they be injured during training, children of Apollo will administer the proper dose.  The more injured you are, the less likely you are to overdose, so they will provide more ambrosia if you are more heavily injured.  While escorting them to the training facility, Jessica was called away to help another resident.  Peter and Quinn proceeded to the sparring ring to meet Clarice.  They met Clarice as she was defeating her previous opponent.  Clarice sees them, and as Peter is introducing himself, she interrupts them stating that she knows who they are.  Clarice is of average height but is built like a bodybuilder.  She calls her friend Colin over to join her against Quinn and Peter.  She tells Quinn and Peter that anything is allowed in the fight, and they begin their match.     Clarice acted first, firing a crossbow bolt at Peter.  He raised a magical shield to deflect it.  Quinn then struck her with a chaos bolt.  She used twinned spell to also strike Colin.  Finally, she gave Peter some Flaming Hot Cheetos.  Colin then closed the distance to Peter.  Peter then attacked Colin but missed.  Clarice then attempted to attack Peter but missed.  Quinn used a twinned spell of chaos bolt to take down both Clarice and Colin.  A healer came over to revive Clarice while Peter revived Colin.  As soon as she had been revived, Clarice swung at Peter but missed twice.  The healer expressed shock at this and quickly got out of the way.  After a few more blows were exchanged, Clarice was defeated once more, and Quinn successfully convinced Colin that it was not honorable to continue a fight that should have ended when both Clarice and Colin dropped.  The healer escorted Clarice to the medical building while she was still unconscious.  The healer apologized again for Clarice's abnormal behavior.  Colin apologized as well and asked Peter and Quinn to be his friends.  He was deeply moved when they accepted and gave him a hug.     Quinn went upstairs to speak with Hazel.  Hazel was once again impressed by Quinn's magic and expressed confusion similar to that of the healer at Clarice's behavior.  She explains that while Clarice was not one of the older residents who had returned to Haven to teach others, she (Clarice) was filling in with instructions in the sparring ring as there was not a more qualified resident available to do so.  By all accounts, Clarice had been doing a great job.  Hazel also druid crafts Quinn a purple daisy as a symbol of their friendship after Quinn invited her to lunch.     Meanwhile, Peter meets with Jessica outside of the pavilion and speaks to her about what happened during the sparring session.  Jessica comments that the behavior seems out of character for Clarice.  Jessica heads over to the medical building to wait for Clarice to regain consciousness and speak with her.     After Jessica leaves, Peter goes to pick up his food, once again praying for a sign from his father.  At the same time, Hazel and Quinn arrive.  Quinn similarly prays for a sign from her mother.  While sitting and eating, Peter and Quinn overhear the conversations of the other residents.  While Quinn did a lot more damage to Clarice and Colin, all of the residents are whispering about Peter's martial prowess.  They are impressed that he was able to last in a match with Clarice when he wasn't fighting her with magic but a longsword.  Suddenly, a helm made of glowing red energy appeared in the air above Peter.  As it slammed towards him, Peter raised his shield to cover himself and the person sitting closest to him.  The symbol branded itself into Peter's shield and dealt Peter some damage.  This symbol is the symbol of Ares who had just claimed Peter as his son.  Everyone begins talking loudly about how Peter will now live with Clarice and how none of Ares other children can use magic.  At this time, Colin returned from the medical building and gave his new brother another hug.  Everyone was surprised again as Colin is very loyal to Clarice.     Napoleon  

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
25 Nov 2022

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